hot and cold

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Your dad's sudden voice made you jump from your seat in the car, the noise from Johnny and Sue arguing in the backseat slurred its way into your ears.

"You okay, dear?" your dad asked.

"Yep, I'm fine, Dad," you replied to his questioning gaze. You were accompanying him and your stepsiblings to shop for the kids' Halloween costumes since it was their first time doing trick or treating. You promised Sue to pick out the nicest princess costume for her so you had to come.

Plus, you were in charge with your friends' team outfit for the party that weekend you were still not sure whether you'd go. You and your friends had been doing that for years since highschool. One time you all went as Avengers, you ending up with a Black Widow costume. Most time, you were dressed as the four hobbits, you remembered Pepper complaining all the time why she couldn't be an elf instead.

"It's just that you spaced out for a moment there," your dad insisted, chuckling. "I was only asking if you liked the lunch we had. Johnny really likes steaks."

"I love them," Johnny butted in, who had finally managed to make Sue quiet.

Your father was right. You couldn't hold conversations for the past few days. You were always deep inside your head, drifting towards the thought of a certain redhead with green eyes. It had been almost two weeks since your treasured night with Wanda.

Trying to forget about it only made it worse. So you let it consume you.

It was too good to be true when you thought you and Wanda were faring much better, heading towards a budding friendship after she had opened herself up to you. But after that weekend spent with her and her dad, you hadn't seen Wanda in the library anymore.

The study sessions with her stopped momentarily, even Peter wondered why you were sitting with them and not with her. And it wasn't even because Wanda was not present at school due to unexpected emergency. She was literally there, sometimes on the school grounds chatting with her friends, or the school cafeteria where she was reading while eating.

You tried to reason it out that it wasn't about you. Maybe, Wanda was just busy with the exams that she couldn't find the time to head down to the library, maximizing her time to multitask between other school activities and studying instead.

But when you passed by her in the hallway and smiled, waiting for her to acknowledge your presence and grant you a sight of her beautiful smile, only to be ignored as she stared blankly ahead, you figured it was really you.

Wanda treated you that week like a stranger, as if you didn't spend a wonderful evening together. Was it like in the movies? Did it mean she has feelings for you that being around you makes her question her own sanity?

But this was the real world. Sometimes, people were just not nice. Did Wanda even notice when you began wearing her jacket at school?

You Fell First But She Fell Harder (A Wanda Maximoff Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now