i love you

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The activities that the mental facility had, where patients would be required to participate, were either performed indoors or outdoors

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The activities that the mental facility had, where patients would be required to participate, were either performed indoors or outdoors.

Indoors included drawing, painting, musical classes and the like while outdoors involved getting into sports like volleyball, basketball and table tennis. You weren't an outdoorsy person like your friends so you were stucked indoors most of the time.

The art teacher, Leek, commended how good you were at drawing, he would even assign you to be the speaker at one of the classes every now and then.

Bony fingers danced before you as you began sketching an unrecognizable figure on the blank canvas during art classes. You couldn't remember if it had something to do with your recurring nightmares. It was always the same drawing. Kiwi kept on teasing you about it, but you only shook your head, and quipped back on his silly attempts to pursue Broccoli.

Your friends were also glad you were finally opening up to Basil, even when you had been hesitant at first.

It had been two days since the first time you started sharing about your past, the reason why you were there. And it was so unbearable, that you had stopped talking after that day. Basil didn't pressure you though. She'd talk about something else on days you couldn't speak about it.

It was a rainy Thursday when you decided that you were finally ready to open up again on your session with her later. You were cooped up with your friends at the lounge area with nothing to do at the moment, listening to champagne problems by Taylor Swift. Peach had music privileges to change the songs blaring from the speakers.

The lounge area had two televisions used only during movie nights, a few tables with board games on top of them and a mini library in the corner. It even had a tennis table, where an ongoing battle was happening between the most competitive patients in there, Quince and Crispin.

Peach was telling you a story about Fig, but you couldn't get yourself to listen anymore as you stared blankly ahead. You thought about where you left off when you first started sharing about Wanda, only just to remember so you would know where to continue later. You didn't expect to be consumed with the memory, sucking you into the depths until you found yourself drowning.

Wanda wasn't in her dorm room the following day after you told her the truth about her father. When nobody answered her door as you knocked, you began messaging her instead, even attempted to call her multiple times but it all went to voicemail. You tried asking Maria or Steve but the redhead didn't leave any messages to them as to where she went.

Maybe space was what Wanda needed, but the more time ticked by, the more worried you became that maybe she was no longer your girlfriend. Around 7pm, there was a knock on your door, making you hurriedly scramble to your feet.

Wanda looked like she hadn't slept and there was redness in her eyes. You wanted to take it all away, just so you could see her beautiful smile once again. If you could turn back time, you would just tell yourself to suck it up and face her father so you wouldn't have to tell her about the truth.

You Fell First But She Fell Harder (A Wanda Maximoff Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now