⌜𝘏𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘕𝘪𝘯𝘦⌟

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This will be an Inosuke x Takara Fluff, if you dislike or are uncomfortable, please leave :)

Was requested by: TAKEMICH1sW1FE
Takara sat on the porch of the butterfly estate, watching the sunset. She yawned and the horizon settled in.


Takara sighed. She stood up and walked towards the sound of her screaming friend. Her side ached, she clutched her left rib, each step.

Takara: Inosuke! Please shut up, I'm trying to relax!

Inosuke ran towards Takara

Inosuke: If Kochitsu won't fight me, you will.

Inosuke unsheathed his swords and pointed them towards Takara. She coughed, collapsing to the floor.

Inosuke: O-O-Oi! MAKATA!

Takara: Shut it, will you? I'm fine. Just some side cramps. Inosuke helped Takara up, he yanked on her arm and threw her on the ground. He sat down next to her, as the sun went to sleep. He stared in awe, his eyes twinkling.


Takara rolled her eyes and slapped his neck

Inosuke: YOU WANNA GO?!

Takara: You idiot...It's normal! The sun will come back on it's own in the morning.

Inosuke: Have you seen it come back?

Takara: Yeah. Its really beautiful

She stared off endlessly into the warm colors and the sweet scent of the berry bushes nearby. Inosuke layed his head on Takara's shoulder, admiring the sun's beauty. Caught off guard, Takara blushed and looked off to the swing set on the wisteria trees.

Inosuke: Tell me a story about the sun!

Inosuke demanded, grinning so hard his jaw might crack loose.

Takara: E-Eh?! Why all of a sudden

She glared at the beastly boy's messy black and blue gradient hair, ohagi crumbs scattered across his mouth. She sighed and shook her head. Taking the corners of her Haori, she wiped the crumbs off his face and slightly smiled. Inosuke flushed, his face turning red

Inosuke: Haah?! Are you challenging me?!

Takara: No Inosuke, I just got the food off you're mouth

He licked his nose.

Inosuke: There's nothing here!

Takara: That's because I wiped it off, genius.

Inosuke hmph'd and crossed his arms

Takara chuckled

Takara: How about I tell you a story about the sun, then?

Inosuke's eyes twinkled. He nodded his head furiously. He slammed his head onto Takara's lap, his ears wide and listening. Takara blushed, she hesitated, then stroked his hair. Inosuke relaxed, and looked out into the sunset.

This part is only fanmade by me! It is not a real Japanese story! Thank you.

Takara: In a small village, there was a lovely boy. His name was Haru. Back then, the sun did not exist, but Haru loved watching the skies, the dark night filled with stars. Haru was always a curious boy, he wondered if there was any way he could make the skies light, and cheery. One day, while he was adventuring through a nearby forest, he found an ancient Buddha statue. He kneeled down, and begun praying. Usually, he prayed for his family's wellness, happiness, and health. This time, it was different.
"Dear Shaka Nyorai, the skies have always been a beauty to me, but I feel there is one thing missing. I belive, the townspeople will be very happy if the skies were aluminated and brighter" he said, imagining the world brightly lit. Suddenly, a magic figure appeared behind him. It glowed and radiated warmly.
"My dear, sweet Haru. Your idea is wonderful. Surely the people around Japan will be happy and more active. But, there is a consequence to this.." it said
"Consequences?!" Haru stared deeply into it's beautiful eyes "like what...?"
"You see, every star is not just a star. But it is a person who has died, a sacrifice"
Haru bit his lip
"Your grandfather is up there, he is a caretaker of one of those millions of stars"
Haru stared at the sky, teary eyed.
"In order to create your dream, we need a sacrifice"
Haru looked around, he saw people passing by, animals scattered around, trees swayed in the cool breeze. He took a deep breath.
"I will become the radiation and happiness"
The figure was shook, how could a mere 10 year old boy have such a big thought? He smiled.
"That is utterly brave of you, my dear. Very well. Everyone has their reasons"
It waved it's hands in the air and a light breeze of shine flew around Haru. Suddenly, Haru fell to the floor, lifeless
"Haru Uchimi, I bless that you will be the happiness and life that people need. You will be remembered" the figure smiled, and vanished.
And that's how the sun was born. Every day, Haru woke up looking down on people, he always smiled when someone looked at him, squinting. At night, he feels sleepy and tired and goes to bed while his friend, Moon aluminated the skies.

Takara looked down to see Inosuke, peacefully sleeping, his arms over his chest. She smiled and pecked his cheeks.

Takara: Wake up sleepy head, we're gonna be late for Kanao's party!

She flicked his forehead as he woke up. Inosuke jumped up, and stretched. They both walked inside where th

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2022 ⏰

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