Time Changes Everything

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             ☆ Felix's Pov ☆

I'm sitting on the bed with my best friend I.N, as we normally do, we watch a film or show that we have seen and been dying to watch every day after work. I work as a songwriter for a label while I.N works as management under the label. Talk about major friendship goals there.

At this point, his parents pretty much tell me to stay as long as I like to and that I should stay for dinner, although I'm not sure how Hyunjin would think about that though. Which is why I don't ever eat here and just make something at my apartment.

I.N pats my thin leg and says "I'll be right back, our boss is calling." He shows me his phone then steps outside as I hear the front door shut. Not long after Hyunjin walks in sitting on the edge of the bed. What's up with him?

"Hey Felix, how's the besties in crime work place going?" Okay this is just getting stranger all the time. His blonde hair was starting to get longer than normal but he pulls it off really well as it brings out his brown eyes. His natural hair color is a really dark brown almost black color.

"You know, same as usual. Nothing new really. I mean the song writing piece for me is pretty calm, I'm expected to crank out like 6 songs a month at minimum." His eyes widen as he looks at me.

"Wait seriously? That much? Damn you must be full of talents." The first time I heard him compliment me before. So what does he want me to cover about this time? He normally acts nice when something comes up and he doesn't want to tell the actual truth.

"Thank you. I thought you knew about it though?" I look at him confused, I mean Mrs.Hwang knows about it so that means at one time he was bound to hear.

"No. My brother doesn't tell me that much, only the very simplified version. Pretty much next to nothing. So I wanted to ask you about something and kinda bring it up with you."

What? Surely I misheard that. He is about to drive me crazy mentally now just by him being around me let alone talking with me. This wouldn't even be in my wildest dreams at this point.

"Yeah?" Is the only thing I was able to say before bringing my full attention on him and his ethereal presence.

"So about the whole never coming to dinner thing, how come you never come eat with us? Afraid I'll bite yah?" Hyunjin fake bites at me laughing a little.

Hyunjin can definitely be adorable when he wants to be. Flirty though, like all the time. I guess he's used to doing that though as so many people admire him.

"No, not at all." My cheeks begin to heat up as I spoke. "It's just I don't want to disturb the family when it's like a personal bonding time."I said as I didn't want to barge in on anything personal.

Hyunjin shakes his head smiling as I could tell he is trying not to laugh. His eyes are fixated on me tracking me if I even move a little bit. But why all of the sudden?

"Then come to dinner with us?"

            ♥︎ Hyunjin's Pov ♥︎

I'm crazy for even asking this question because I know the answer to this. The same answer that he always gives my family, 'I would've loved to but not today' at this point I think it's a automatic response type of thing.

Maybe a recording will be played next like a voicemail? I don't think Felix really even likes me or wants me around him let alone have dinner with me.

Surprisingly he's actually thinking about it. "Okay. Yeah sure, I would be happy to." Felix responds to me with his bright smile. Wait seriously? I would have been jumping in joy almost if it wasn't for the fact my brother walks in the door. That and it's not my normal to do so.

Jeongin leans against the door frame looking at me then points in the hallway "You can stop bugging Felix now, call one of your many friends and have them entertain you. Shoo before you get germs on my bed."

"Oh excuse me? Who died and made you head of this household? Because last time I checked, I'm older than you. Be thankful I am a kind Hyung"

"Older but not better" This boy I swear, where does he get such a tounge from? Oh...nevermind. My own fault as he marinated in my attitude with his own sassy ways.

I get off the bed walking towards the door where Jeongin is. "Don't get so hostile lil bro. I won't bother nothing. After all he's staying for dinner" I pat him on the shoulder.

He rolls his eyes then nudges me out of the way shutting the door in my face. How nice, brother. I walk down the hall into the living room before sitting down on the white couch starting to watch TV.

I still can't believe that Felix said yes. What changed his mind? Is the world coming to a end? Mom comes into the room carrying the groceries as she starts putting them away. "Any luck with Felix today Hyunjin?" She asks me.

"Actually yes. He is staying over for dinner for once." Her mousy brown hair was tied up in a ponytail as she has her older clothes on. Must have been doing something with dad in the garage.

"Wait, really?" Her eyes lit up as she looks over at me. "That's wonderful. Do you know his favorite meal?" She asks leaning against the brown countertop as she is already thinking of recipes.

"Well I know that he likes rice cakes and he can't tolerate spicy foods." I know this because every now and then I can hear Jeongin and his conversations. I remember giving him a glass of milk when he was dared to eat spicy foods one time with a small group of his friends.

I'm the same age as Felix but Jeongin is like a year age difference honestly. We always bicker about this or that but the truth is our bond is still tought as steel.

I watch mom as she cook as I act as if I'm not watching. One day when I'm on my own, I'll be the one to cook for the one I love. Felix comes out of the bedroom with his blonde hair slightly ruffled from moving around on the bed or play fighting with Jeongin, I'm assuming.

"Yongbok, come here for a sec?"

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