10.0 Smokes and Stargazing

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2nd pov,

You haven't been out lately for the past two weeks after you finally recover from your sickness. You keep watching television and eating snacks all over the time, but don't worry you didn't get any weight

While watching your favorite shows that you and Player always watch, you remember the day when Cashier took care of you. You do appreciate what he did, but it just felt weird to see him caring, that makes you stubborn to listen and keep refusing his kind offer...

Not you hate it just, you're an independent person and you hate when someone sees you weak. You don't want them to see you that way, but people said sometimes when we were in trouble we need a hand, right?

Munching quietly, you've been drinking ten sodas in a day, totally break your third record

Wiping the saltiness on your lips you threw the plastic and it perfectly dropped into the trash can and disappeared, you always wanted to know where the trash has gone since it just evaporate like that

You burb, you lost count, how much you have eaten but you don't care. Don't care less "Huh..." You switch the television to a different channel after the show has ended, repeating over and over. You can't find any good shows

The front door opens with a creak, and footsteps steps inside the house. Player who just got back from his random adventure sees you staring at the screen, switching to switch. Player tap your shoulder, tense up a bit, glancing up at him then went back to the screen "Hey, wazzup?"

Player sigh, making U-turn before sitting next to you, before that he wipes the tiny crumbs at the materials "You okay?" He rubs your arm, concerned at hows your conditions

You hummed "yeah, why? What did I look like right now?" You asked, sipping the empty soda "No offense but you do look like one emo teenager who has mental health issues...or like depression" he coughed, he did not mean any funnier at it

You hum again, rolling your head feeling the cracking bones, lightly massaging it "That sound awful" you chuckled focusing on the moving animation. He pursed his lips "You did not look, okay... But if you are not comfortable with sharing your problem I understand but at least get some fresh air" he pats your arm

You grumbled and rolled to the ground, getting up like a robot. Before leaving the living room to get cleaned up. Player keeps his position the same waiting for you to arrive

He clicks the remote button to off and pushed the sofa too, it's not a lot just two or four pieces.

Just in time, you walk out, adjusting your red beanie, wearing a new color of the hoodie which also has the same design but is only a bit soft in color. Player softly held your hands and bring you outside.

Locking the door, you and Player was silent during the walk nothing came out a single word yet in a peaceful way, he notice how red your eye was and he assume you just finish crying or something "You look sad"

You blinked, striving to fade the pain in your swollen eyes, blinked and rubbed them but only makes worse. Player stopped you from doing further and watch you with concern "You can tell, I'm here" you nodded

"Thanks but no thanks, I'm not in a mood to talk right now actually" you sigh, shoving your hand into the hoodie pocket keeping silent for the whole walk. Player can't push more, you're a person who is irritable and stubborn to even open up he can't do further for you to speak "Alright if you say so"

"Where are we going anyway?" You change the topic since it's getting awkward "Stargazing" Player shortly said

Oh, that's new.

"Cool, so we're relaxing huh?" You smiled putting yourself around his shoulder, and he return it with his left arm "I expected to bring you to commit arson actually, but because you look down today so the plan has changed. We're going to relax and watch the stars"

You look at him in awe, he cared for you a lot and will do everything t makes you feel better. You were touched, nearly torn up by his kindness and you hope you could exchange with the same thing, one day "thanks" you muttered "Don't mention it"

Finally, the conversation was cut short when Player halted, grabbed your wrist, and hopped to the soft grass. He lay his back to the tree and pat the grass, signing you to take a sit as you gladly did

You feel the grass tickle into your palms, tingles on your fingers. You cares it softly and admire the beauty, it was slick, clean, and smooth almost reminding you of the Player kid hair at the Pizza time..."This place is nice" you said, looking up at the top of the hill, the light from the distance was bright, lighting like the stars. it is not far from Player house, maybe a couple of blocks

Player nodded "it is, we should come here more often" he hand signed, yawning silently his eyes narrowed to the distance "I'm sleepy" he yawn again but this time much louder "Just wake me up if you need anything..." slowly his voice tone lower, drifting to sleep. leaving you alone that's still awake

The silence was ruined once Player has enter his dream world, snorting and mumbling under his dream. He was hugging himself, shuffling to the right and left

as you stare down at the view, just all of sudden a crunches leaves that have been walking by, assuming it was a wild animal you swing your fist into the air and tries to hit the creature, only it hit the tree trunk and you feel so grateful to avoid punching no one then Cashier, his eyes widen in shock by your sudden defensive action. He never knew you could do that move

"Nice move, but you miss" he said, as you remove your arm from the hash surface. A sight burse on the fist, it was painful but not too painful but you can say it almost break your fingers. You wince in pain and hide the pain in your eyes "Sorry, I thought a wild creature..." you nervously laughed, imaging how it becomes if you hit right to his face

Cashier shakes his saying he did not mind, but a bit unexpected what just happen earlier. "Why are you here? How do you even know we are here?" you furrow your eyebrows. Cashier tilted his head "We?" you nodded and pointed at the sleeping Player "Yeah, Player was over there....unconscious. Alright, now answer my question"

Cashier rolled his eyes "I saw you from the store, it is not even that far I could see your red beanie clearly" he said, shoving something inside his pocket to grab something and it was a box of cigarettes "You smoke?" you never saw him smoke in your entire life or you just blind "yeah, but not often" he lights it up with lighter

you glance into the box and then the cigarettes he was inhaling, you coughed when you breathe in the smokes "Dang, its smell awful" you coughed, Cashier bowed and smokes float to the air, his gaze was up to the sky "Want one?"

you shook your head no but the other mind want to test out how it feels to smoke...perhaps you should try? No, not now or never you don't know "No thanks" you politely decline

You two sat there for a quiet moment, gazing at the twinkling sky. You sigh in awe, Cashier broke his gaze from the sky to look at you and notices that your eyes were just recovered from crying. Cashier narrows "Did you just cry?" you look at him confuse "what?"

"your eyes are swollen, you cried just now didn't you?" Cashier puffed another smoke from his lips, shadow covering half of his figure. you blinked and look away "No, I fall and dirt went into my eyes"

"You're so bad at lying" Cashier sighs deeply obviously tired of your basic dumb excuse "But whatever makes you sad, I don't care much just good luck handling it" Cashier inhales again. Your lips turn to a thin line "Thanks...I guess"

"Whatever let us just watch the stars"

I Still wonder why are they so unhappy. Cashier thought but keep his mouth shut

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