▪︎рагт 4▪︎

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Reminder:  this story is not mine, I found it on dev
I will give credits in the end(?)

Warning: mature
._. Idk

My mouth was slightly open, but there were too many questions flying through my mind and I really couldn’t pinpoint what to ask first. Plus, the noise of growls going between all of the undead did put a damper on my focus. Despite the sounds, this person looked beyond excited. She bounced lightly, feet not quite leaving the ground - but the energy was certainly there. Her stare wasn’t on me for very long. In fact, she had laid her hand over Milo’s face while shushing him to get a closer look at Matt’s pack. That was certainly brave of her considering the force of a bite from a Hunter would easily result in the loss of her fingers… or entire hand past the wrist.

“I mean, I know I couldn’t have been the only one in the first place. There were a couple of others at the facility that-” Her sentence cut off when she looked back up at me, then straightened out like she was ready to start over. “I’m so sorry! That look on your face- you have no idea what I’m talking about! Haha, woops. I just got so ahead of myself because you have three. Whole. Zombies.” She really loaded on some emphasis on those last three words. How was someone so peppy during an apocalypse ? Of the undead variety?

My hands fell to rest on Matt’s and Cole’s shoulders, which seemed to get them to relax enough. I found myself staring at Milo while she chattered on. He looked about the same size as Matthias, perhaps slightly taller. His hair was thick and black with messy layers that fell a little past his shoulders. The wounds that littered his upper body left little of how he died to the imagination. A gnarly bite was taken out of his right arm, just a little up from his elbow, and stab wounds around his torso with an additional slash through his left thigh all pointed to blood loss as the cause of death. He looked completely content since his own human companion seemed at ease.

“I’ll get to the point. I’m immune to the infection. You’re immune, too. We smell different to the Infected than other humans who aren’t immune. Uh… How do I put this without sounding weird? Certain undead are attracted to us… and it’s mostly Hunters who have responded this way. And it seems apparent that gender isn't an issue… My name is Charla.”

There were still so many questions I had, but some were filtering through my thoughts a little easier now. Now I could actually hold a conversation since she gave a little summary explaining what she meant. Right as I wanted to speak, a high-pitched roar echoed between the buildings a few blocks away. The Hunters quickly went into offensive stances, facing the direction the sound had come from. I couldn't just let Charla stay out on the roads like this, and my safehouse wasn't too far off. I was never really one to invite strangers to my place of living, especially with as little as I knew about this pair; however, if they wanted to hurt us, that would have already happened. Seriously… Milo took out an entire Tank by himself. Not to doubt my own zombies’ abilities, but I think they would be up against something they weren’t used to.

“I’ll introduce myself when we're safe. Follow us!” I waved for Charla and Milo to stay close as we started on a light run towards the bank. Just by habit, I kept my footsteps as quiet as I could. Charla was just as silent as the Hunters, so there wasn't a point in policing them. It was like they had been out here longer than I. The mention of a facility had my head mildly reeling in the meantime. If there was a large scale shelter, I could use an actual bed - and it was likely they could use a scavenger… or four. Thinking of the Infected beside me actually made me worry about what would happen to them at the facility if I went. Why else would my new acquaintance be out here and not in there? I could get my answers later. For now, we needed to put some distance between ourselves and the Horde.

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