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"Finney? finney wake up we're going to be late!"

A gentle hand was pushing at him to wake up. Finney opened his eyes to see his sister, as usual trying to wake him up before their dad got angry. He groggily stood up and rubbed his eyes. Great, school again, he thought. Since Robin had gone missing around a week ago, Matty and his goons hadn't given him peace for even just one day.

He was pushed out of his thoughts when Gwen started talking again.

"I've already made breakfast, I woke up to early. There was mail too- it had your name on it"

She left the room as he stood there confused. Mail? That was unusual. "Probably just something for school" he mumbled, following her to the kitchen slowly.

He looked at what was on the table.

"scrambled eggs? I thought you didn't like these Gwen"

She started buttering some toast and making tea, presumably for their dad.

"yeah, but I know you do, so I thought I'd make them for you. You deserve at least that after..."

She thought about what words to use, not wanting to sound insensitive, but he beat her to it.

"thanks gwen." He picked up his fork and started eating, not wanting to have an awkward breakfast with their father today, who had unsurprisingly woken up late.


Surprisingly, when they arrived at school there was no beating awaiting finney, not yet. He sighed in relief as Gwen went on about some homework she felt was unnecessary from her witch of an English teacher.

"Honestly why the fuck do we need to worry about using commas correctly, there are people being kidnapped for gods sake!"

Finney lowered his gaze to the missing posters on the fences. Were they dead already? Questions always raced through his dead whenever he looked at them. Did they escape and get lost? But the question bugging him most was the one he didn't like to ask himself. How many more? He didn't even want to think about the matter of who.

The bell ring in their ears, saving finney from having to listen to his sisters rant about English.

"alright, see you later finney!"

"bye Gwen"

He had biology right now, and his lab partner was Donna. Over the last week, his feelings for her had.. changed? He didn't feel nervous around her anymore and never felt the need to be near her all the time. Could he have lost his feelings for her?.. No, he pushes the thought out of his mind. He only feels like that because of everything going on recently, that's all, he reassured himself. After all, he had a crush on Donna for months now, it wouldn't go away so easily, right?

As usual, he sat in his seat. He had gotten there before everyone else, and fiddled with his little rocket torch. Finney loved space. Speaking of space, his head was up there for so long he didn't realise Donna had sat next to him and greeted him.

"Hi finney" she smiled. He didn't reply, only staring blankly at nothing with cloudy eyes.

"finney? Are you okay?"

Finally, he snapped out of it. He turned sharply to Donna who had a confused look on her face. "Oh, hi Donna. Sorry I was.."

"in space?"

"yeah, I suppose so"

they chuckled, and Donna noticed it wasn't as awkward as it used to be. She knew fully well that finney used to have a crush on her, but she could tell the feelings had turned platonic. It didn't make her upset though, if anything, it made her a little relieved. She didn't like finney romantically and hadn't wanted to hurt his feelings by rejecting him if he had confessed at some point.


The school day was finally over and finney met with Gwen at her locker. She looked excited to see him and started spilling something about how her and suzie were gonna stay up late watching horror movies because her mom was out for the weekend.

"It's gonna be SO FUN! Her big sister doesn't mind us doing that stuff either, she's so cool!"

He smiled at her happy voice, glad to know she wouldn't have to deal with dad tonight. He was still mad about her smashing his vodka a couple of days ago, and wouldn't stop giving her glares whenever she got near the rest of his collection.

"that sounds fun" finney grinned

"yeah, we're gonna watch Texas chainsaw massacre!"

His face and heart dropped and he had a sick feeling in his stomach at the mention of the movie.

"finney? What's wrong?"

He decided not to tell her and possibly ruin her fun.

"Nothing, I was just thinking. Have fun kid"

She could tell he was lying, but decided not to press more.

"alright, well I'll see you tomorrow KID"

"have fun at Suzies"

They parted ways as they usually did on Fridays and finney began walking home. He turned a corner to see a black van with the word "Abracadabra" painted on in a sage green kind of colour, and got an uneasy feeling in his stomach. Why did he feel weird? It was just a magicians van, he reassured himself, continuing to walk.

A man stumbled out of the van, dropping a bag full of things and groaning.

"OOH.. hah. Well isn't that just peachy keen!" The man was chuckling in annoyance but didn't seem like a very bad person, so finney offered some help.

"do.. you need help with that?"

the man picked up a deformed bit of plastic that looked like an egg. "You see that?" throwing it to the side and laughing.

"Yeah" finney replied with a half hearted laugh mixed with a sigh.

"would you hand me my hat?" The man finally accepted his help.

He bent down and gave him his hat as the man stood up.

"yessir.. I, am a part time magician!"

finney stood and watched awkwardly as the man shook a can of something. He assumed it would be something cool to go with his supplies.

"would you like to see a magic trick?"

"Yeah.." finney smiled at the man while still trying to avoid eye contact. Not that it was hard, since the man was wearing glasses but still. He averted his eyes to the van and looked at the windows to the pack, something catching his eye.

"are those black balloons in there?"

Suddenly he remembered what Gwen had seen. Black balloons.. He felt uneasy again as the man shook the can and looked over at the balloons inside the van.

"yeah" the man opened one of the doors, grabbing the balloons and shoving them in finneys face before he could react. Next thing finney knew he was grabbing his rocket torch and frantically trying to injure the man enough to make him let go. He successfully cut his arm, but the man's grip wasn't loosened. He only screamed in pain and sprayed the stuff in the can into finneys mouth and eyes.

He felt his consciousness leaving him, and the last thing he saw when he was thrown into the van was a scowl on the lower half of the man- the grabbers- face as he closed the door.

Denver Phone Massacre- Robin x finneyWhere stories live. Discover now