Chapter 18

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Todoroki POV:

For the whole day, Midoriya was just chatting about school and everything that I missed. However, every now and then he'd ask if I needed anything.

"Does your head hurt?" he asked. I just told him that I was fine and that I probably just needed some rest. It felt so good too speak with him, his voice so relaxing to listen to. I don't know when, however I ended up dozing off into a deep sleep.

When I woke up it was now dark outside, the moon and stars glittering in the sky. Only then did I realize I felt something resting on the bed. I glanced down and saw Midoriya resting his head on the bed in a deep slumber, a small but cute snore escaped him. He didn't go back to the dorms? I thought gazing down at him. I reached out my hand and began to gently play with his green curls.


Just then Midoriya suddenly moved, his face resting in my palm. For some reason my heart slightly melted at the site. There was a spare blanket at the end of the hospital bed, so I grabbed it placing it over Midoriya. I should get some sleep to, I thought laying back down and in a few minutes I had fallen asleep.

Midoriya POV:

I didn't know what happened, but I think I fell asleep. When I woke up, I glanced at Todoroki who was still sleeping the last time I saw him. I got up but when I did I realised a blanket fell to the ground. I grabbed it and was confused. I didn't take this, I thought, did I?

I glanced at Todoroki who was resting peacefully and...I just smiled. I placed the blanket gently on Todoroki before grabbing my phone before leave. When I got back to the dorms, it was around 7am.

"Deku where have you been?" Uraraka asked, "you've been gone like all night."
"Yeah, sorry about that," I sighed, "I was just visiting Todoroki again. Did I tell you he woke up?"

"Wait really?! You should've told us!"
"I'm sorry!"

Just then a smirk grew across Uraraka's face.
"So~" she sighed, "lately you guys seem...close." My face went a shaded pink by her words from embarrassment.
"I-" freezing halfway through sentence I hesitated, " him." It went silent for a moment when Uraraka's face lit up.
"You do?"

Her question made me hesitant.

"I do," I said, "I like him. But-"

Just then, Iida came walking over and the subject changed immediately, however my mind was elsewhere. I finally decided my feelings and that I like Todoroki. However there's just been so much going on that I not only don't know how too tell him but I just feel exhausted. I need to tell him, I thought beginning too feel bad.


A few days had past and Todoroki had finally recovered and was back in the dorms. On Saturday, I got up early as usual for a morning run. As I was jogging, I began thinking about my training when something suddenly broke my trance.


I didn't have to think twice to know who it was. I glanced up seeing Todoroki sitting on a bench below a cherry blossom tree.
"Oh Todoroki," I said walking up, "you're up early."

"Couldn't sleep," he stated blankly, "did I interrupt your training?"

"Oh, no not really," I laughed scratching the back of my head, "I did need a break anyway." It went silent after that, making the moment intense. I need to, I thought, it'll be selfish of me to not. I looked down at my feet letting out a shaky sigh.

"I've made my decision," I said catching Todoroki's eye, "the answer to your question." It Todoroki a second to realize what I meant and got to his feet staring at me. I bit my lip and looked up at him.
"Todoroki..." I said, "I...I like you to." It went silent for a single moment.

"But I think we should just be friends."

A/n: Opps, sorry bout the cliffhanger and yea there's a twist in this event. Chapter 19 will be coming out soon :)

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