Chapter 24

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Todoroki POV:

Midoriya suddenly used Blackwhip and sent it right at me, giving me barely anytime to dodge. Good, I thought, he's not distracted. At the beginning when both our teams were called to vs each other, I could tell Midoriya seemed worried and I didn't have to guess why. Even so, I want him to know that I'll be there for him and the darkest or brightest or times.

I triggered my left side and sent a huge gush of fire at his direction, but he only dodged at the very last moment. However I was glade, for winning wasn't my goal.

Third Person POV:

Midoriya dodged Todoroki's attack, launching at the bicolored male prepared to send a kick at him. Todoroki saw this easily coming and manufacturing an ice wall, shielding himself from the incoming attack. Although, Midoriya was easily able to kick throw the defense shacking the ice into millions of pieces.

Just as he had planned.

Todoroki knew how vigorous Midoriya's quirk was ever since the sports festival. Smashing ice would've been like snapping a twig. As the green haired male smashed through his opponent's protection, his face turned pale as Todoroki was nowhere to be found. I should've known! Midoriya thought in a panic turning around just as a raid of ice came behind him.


Suddenly, a hand grabbed Midoriya's arm dragging him out of the crossfire just in time before it could swallow him down. The green haired boy glanced up in surprise to see none other than Kirishima. Before Midoriya could even ask how, Mina began sliding from behind away from the next battle soon to come. Oh, he thought, well that explains it..

Kirishima and Midoriya didn't hesitated too run close behind their alley while she skated away using her quirk. Will he follow us? Midoriya thought slightly in a worry, no one else is around their prison so...


Midoriya POV:


I just blinked surprised to see Kacchan. We returned our prison only too see Kacchan in it. Mina and Kirishima both burst out laughing while I was just dumbfounded. I guess we went off on his own.

Suddenly the siren went off catching our attentions.

"Times up," Mr Aizawa's voice was heard, "it's a draw." Mina and Kirishima were confused, but it did make sense since Tokoyami and Asui were nowhere to be found. We all went back to watch the next teams. We wished Uraraka and Iida good luck before

"Midoriya you ok?" Todoroki asked.

"Oh, yeah I'm fine," I laughed scratching the back of my head, "anyway, which team do you think has more advantage?"

"Team D," he replied instantly, "Jiro's quirk and Shoji's are perhaps the strongest, let another Iida's. Then we have Kaminari's quirk which is also strong."

"True," I sighed turning back to the screen watching the battle take place. It was true that Team B's quirks weren't exactly the same as Team D's, but the only way was to find out. Just then, I felt something touch my hand, slightly making me jump. I glanced from the corner of my eye at my left hand, only to see Todoroki's close to mine.

The room we were all in wasn't exactly bright and we were both at the back. Does he...I thought, but I kept my eyes forward as I slowly reacted for his hand only touching it. Todoroki steadily took my hand in his. No one noticed and for the whole time we just held hands in silence, not talking once.

A/n: Ok so I thought I accidentally deleted this chapter and panicked, but it turns out everything was good. So anyway, I might finish this story soon cause I'm like working on 2 other stories. But anyway I hope you enjoyed this not as exciting chapter 😅

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