Mali Life

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-"Hi bubby"-Gaga whispered raspily from behind Taylor, who was sitting on the terrace reading the newspaper, -"Look who's up at...MID DAY!"-he chuckled, looking up at his still sleepy fianceè, accepting her deep kiss, -"Yeah, you know I sort of hibernate"-she giggled, sipping a bit of Taylor's iced tequila fruit punch; -"What are we gonna do today lil bunny?"-he asked, holding her hand softly, -"Wanna go to the beach after lunch?"-she suggested, lighting up a cigarette, -"Yeah sure baby", -"Perfect, what do you wanna eat?", -"You"-he responded cheekily, -"You did that last night, why dont you change the menu?"-she laughed, -"Okay about...fried wings and wedged fries?", -"I'll get into it, in the meantime...make a jug of that frozen shit, it's fucking good"-she nodded at his empty tequils punch cup.
-"Do you want spicy sauce?"-Taylor asked, ignoring Asia and Koji's pleading stares, -"No, I'm good with the ranch here"-Gaga sighed, -"So! Did your mom had a good time here?"-She asked, as Pam had spent a few days with fhe couple, -"Absolutely! She loves Mali, she loves it here, and she loves you...really, when you were like...doing the whole dinner thingy? She pulled me outside and she kind of cried saying how happy she was that I finally got a good girl", Gaga smiled widely, -"Awww Pammie!!! Shes such a sweetie bunch, I love her".
Gaga and Taylor walked hand in hand through the vast Zuma beach, -"I love being here"-Gaga said, feeling the warm sand on her toes and the cool foamy salt water from the sea, -"I love being here with you, cookie"-Taylor smiled down at the tiny woman, -"This is, the ocean...its perfection", -"I totally agree on that...come here"-he said, stopping on his tracks; he pulled her in for a deep kiss, it seemed to last an eternity. The couple eventually kept on walking around, -"So I wanted to talk to you about the wedding venue"-Gaga started, Taylor nodded and squinted at the sun, pulling down his cap further, -"They want us to have a wedding date. Have you thought about it or..?", -"Not really sweetpea"-he responded, -"We have to start thinking about it. You especially, when do you have a winter break or...", -"This year?", -"I dont know Taylor, I'm asking have the most restricting job as of now", -"If you wanna do it in winter...I have two weeks off...starting the 15th", Gaga nodded,-"Two weeks is good for our honey moon plan isnt it?", -"Except Paris and Italy in winter are frozen and Dubai is cold too...thats what I'm saying! Winter honeymoon is a no no", -"Okay then ask Derek or someone...when do you have weeks off next year", Taylor chuckled, -"Bubba, it's May. MAY.", -"I know its May", -"Then chillywilly my little bunny! There is pleeennnty of time ahead!", -"...What the hell is chilly willy"-Gaga laughed, poking his nose, -"It's a new word"-he chuckled, scooping her off her feet, -"PUT ME DOWN IM NAKED UNDER THIS", -"OH ARE YOU?"-he responded, lifting up her dress mockingly.
-"You wanna go skinny dipping?"-Gaga asked her future husband while eating a slice of pizza for dinner, -"Sure. You know I'm always in for seeing you naked"-he chucjled, kissing her cheek; -"And I'm always in to seeing a certain part of you that I really like". -"This is gonna make us soooo fat"-Gaga smiled, scooping up vanilla ice cream while Taylor drowned his in melted marshmallow and buttercup syrup, -"I can smell the diabetes already"-he sighed, throwing in cookie crumbs, -"Chicago Fire time and thennn SKINNY DIP"-he called, turnibg on their ridiculously large TV.
-"This ep is so good baby! Your acting is so good I can almost believe you're a concieted douchebag"-Gaga joked, -"HEY! I think Lt. Severide has his reasons to be so.m.", -"Beibg an ass? Sure he has"-Gaga smiled, kissing him softly, -"Listen, he is hot, he gets all the girls AND hes an ellite firefighter, I mean come on"-he chuckled, kissing her head, -"...I wanna be in your show"-Gaga mumbled, -"I've actually nagged to Dereck and Andrea about this! What character would you like to be?", -"Anything involving a sex scene with you,I wanna test your boner-hiding techniques"-"Ha ha, very funny, come here you lil rascal", Gaga sat on Taylors lap and kissed him softly, he grabbed her head to kiss her harder and turned off the TV, -"SKINNY DIP T!"-She moaned, giving him one more peck, -"Ok ok, skinny dip".
-"Are you excited?"-Gaga asked Taylor while hanging to his naked chest, -"About what princess?"-he responded, looking down at his everything, -"About marrying me", Taylor frowned deeply, wiping some of his hair back with water, -"...I have never ever wanted something so much Stef...I cannot wait for the day I can see you on your wedding dress andd then vow you my eternal love!", -"...Do you mean it?", -"I have never loved somebody the way I love you Stef, I swear feom the bottom of my're my reason now, you're a part of me", Gaga smiled wide and nodded, -"Well I cant wait to see you all dapper and handsome on that tux and telling you how much I love you and THEN get shit faced and eat wedding cake and fuck like animals"-she chuckled. holding her closer, Taylor kissed her deeply yet lovingly, -"Thanks for keeping me warm cuz' this water is FREEZY!", -"You know where's really warm and cozy?", Gaga raised her perfectly trimmed eyebrow, -"...Bed?", -"Of course".
Gaga felt a tongue licking her hand, -"....Taylor stop it"-she mumbled, the feeling two tiny bodies getting into the bed, -"Shit, Koji! Stop licking me!", -"Whats up", -"These little tiny weiners are waking me up"-she moaned, getting out of bed completely naked, -"I'm gonna shower now, you left me feeling too nasty last night", Taylor smiled at her and buried his face back on the pillow. Gaga eventually went out in a flowy pink shirt and denim daisy dukes, -"You smell of mint and flowers...are you an angel?"-Taylor asked feom his spot on the bed, -"Sometimes yeah, you smell of semen and sex sweat and fresh bedsheets so get up! Come on, get ready!", -"READY FOR WHAT"-Taylor asked alarmed, -"We have to do the shopping, get your ass up"-she chuckled, kissing him softly and beginning doing her make up.
-"It's so early, oh my god"-Gaga moaned, strolling through the grocery store with Taylor, -"It's 10:30, Stef", -"I know...thats early for me"-she chuckled as she pushed the trolley around, -"We need so much stuff...lets split get the vegetables and fruits, I get thr deli and the juice and shit"-Taylor proposed, Gaga nodded and went on her way. -"Welp...I think we over shopped this time"-Gaga chuckled at the full trolley, -"...Theres a lot of junk in there"-Taylor admitted, -"Yeah a in between your legs, honey"-she casually smiled, as she handed her ID and credit card to the cashier; -"Remember we gotta pick up Koji and Asia from the vet", -"T, do you think I'd forget my babies?? No way".
-"I love it when my babies smell so nice!"-Gaga cooed over her dogs as they licked her face, -"Were they nice?"-Gaga asked the vet, -"Yeah as always! I gave them the anti-parasites shot and you know the bath and the mouthwash! All squeaky clean!", -"Good, thank you Victoria", -"Always a pleasure Stef!".
Gaga was playing thug of war with her dogs as Taylor was inside trying to cook lunch, -"Alright m'am, mini pizzas jn the oven!"-he announced, sitting beside her and pulling the rope harder to put the dogs' jaws to test, -"When do you have to go to film the movie?", -"In a few days", -"Serbia is far away, T"-Gaga sighed, -"I know baby...will you be able to visit me?", -"Maybe just once...I have some upcoming events you know?"-she said in dismay, -"I know, I'll miss you all", -"I will certainly miss you more"-she chuckled, -"Not possible bubs..."
♡♡♡♡DAYS LATER♡♡♡♡
Gaga saw Taylor handing over a few suitcases to the driver for him to put in the trunk; he turned around and saw her fiancee with teary eyes looking at him, -"Oh baby girl, dont make this harder for me"-he tried to smile, -"I'll just miss you baby", -"I know Stef...I'll miss you too"-he answered, leaning down to kiss her deeply, -"Please be safe...we'll Skype right?", -"Of cpurse we will little bunny", -"...Fine, I guess its okay. I like it when you do your thing"-she admitted, wiping some tears off her face, -"Sucks that you cant say goodbye at the airport", -"If I did; we'd have 80 cameras on us. Thats not good", -"I know that...well, I may miss my flight now", -"I love you T, I love you so much", -"I love you too my princess, be back before you know it", -"Fine...gimme a kiss", after a passionate kiss, the two hugged, -"Bye bye honey, have a good flight", -"Bye babe, I"ll call you when I get there, love you!"-he said, letting her hand go and kissing the dog's heads, -"Bye kiddos!", '"Say bye bye Daddy...take care!", -"See you babies"-he flashed them a confident smile and got into the car. Gaga knew her man had to do her own thing. She was greatful for spending some days living the Mali life with her perfect little family.

da endd bubs xoxoxo

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