Chapter 1 :

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Hi ! How are you all 

^^Gorgosaurus image

"Two hundred years ago, dinosaurs were cloned. Scientists assured everyone that we'll be fine. They promised that they won't let them escape from the Dinosaur Parks they had made for public entertainment. They said that the fencing was electric. That they couldn't escape. That all the things that happened in movies like Jurassic Park or Jurassic World won't happen. But they were stupid. As humans always are. These selfish, arrogant scientists ruined everyone's life.

They managed to resuscitate dinosaurs : different dinosaurs' DNA s were found in some 200 million years old fossils and biologists managed to extract the unscathed parts of DNA and filled the interruptions with bird, crocodile and frog DNA. Soon enough, they had managed tore-create most of the species and even tried to create sub-species! We all knew that, sooner or later, something would go wrong and it would be the end of the world, but nobody listened. Why would they ?All these politicians and professors were making money with all the rich people paying to visit their 'Dinosaur Parks' and all the journalists were advertising and putting 'Breaking News this dinosaur, that dinosaur....' titles everywhere. Before we all knew it, our peaceful world was turned into a chaotic, dangerous one. And we had no say in it!"

"Daddy, please don't stop! I want to know what happened!" He sighed, getting off my bed.

"If I tell you what happened, you will get scared and have nightmares! And then mummy will get mad at me." He smiled.

"But please daddy. Please, I want to know how did the dinosaurs take over the Surface!" I whined, with the best pleading face I could make.

"Ugh! How can I say no to this adorable puppy eyes ?" he sighed, smiling.

"Oh thank you daddy! Thank you!" I jumped around happily.

"Well, you see, a park keeper forgot to close a Brachiosaurus' paddock." he started.

"Oh no daddy !" I gaped "That is very bad! Brachiosaurus are huge ! Mr. Brachiosaurus could step on a human and squash it !" I widened my eyes, horrified at the thought.

"I know sweet-heart." he smiled "That is what happened, Mr. Brachiosaurus came out of his paddock and broke the fence of Mr.T-Rex and Mrs. Gorgosaurus."

"That's horrible daddy ! Gorgosaurus are dangerous !" I was starting to panic. A Gorgosaurus is a well-built, fast-moving predator that can even take down large herbivores with the 72 sharp teeth that fill its jaw. It can grow up to 9 meters and can weight up to 2.5 tons. Its name means 'dreadful lizard' and it sure lives up to it! I was terrified at the idea of having one roaming around free among us, humans.

"Yes honey, I know." he took me on his lap and hugged me to try to calm me down. "Anyway, the dinosaurs destroyed the parks setting all of them free. No one could do anything about it, we didn't have any weapons that could kill dinosaurs. They are like killer machines, bullets can't penetrate their though skin, they're too fast to drop a bomb on, and are too strong too be run over by tanks. There was simply no way to kill them, so they started hunting humans." he stopped sighing deeply. I could almost see the tears in his eyes. I hugged him tighter.

"Anyway, we were soon outnumbered because they had killed too many of us and they started reproducing fast." I looked at him, thinking.

"But, daddy, didn't the scientists think about sterilizing them to stop them from having too many babies ?" I asked. He grinned.

"There's my little scientist!" he smiled "You're very clever Storm, you know that right ?" I smiled the biggest smile ever. Oh how I love my dad ! I have always been a daddy's girl and we somehow seem to always understand each other.

"Well, you see princess, remember I told you that they filled the holes in the dinosaurs' DNA with frog's DNA ?"

"Yes..."I whispered.

"Well certain types of green frogs such as Rana Clamitans can change their gender." he explained.

"Really?!" I said, surprised.

"Yes, really. They can change their sex. Male frogs can become female frogs and vice-versa." he added.

I gasped. "But that means that if they sterilized only females then some males could become non-sterilized females ! Then they can mate with the non-sterilized males and have babies !" I yelled.

"Exactly." he muttered. "You know, I was supposed to say that and you were supposed to say : 'Oh no daddy! That's horrible!'" he grinned, trying to lighten the mood.

We both laughed.

"No, you're supposed to say : 'Wow Princess! You're so clever!' "I said in between laughs.

"Oh really ?" he pouted. He laid me down on the bed and started tickling me.

"Stop daddy ! Oh stop!" I squirmed and started giggling again.

After a few minutes of playing around, he stopped and let us both catch our breath. Then he looked at me seriously before saying :

"The dinosaurs took over our planet, so all the humans who had survived until then decided to go underground. They thought it was the only way to survive so they built these bunkers and started living here." he paused.

"Like moles" he muttered under his breath. I started giggling again.

"We're not moles daddy, we're humans." I smiled "And we're safe here, Alastor takes care of all of us and makes sure the dinosaurs don't hurt us." At the mention of his name my father's face darkens. He opens his mouth to say something but, at that moment, mommy comes in.

"Yes sweetheart, we aren't moles." she stares warningly at daddy before smiling tenderly at me. "However, no matter how interesting dinosaurs may be, it's bed time Princess!" she walks towards my bed and sits down next to my dad. She then gently pushes me down into the bed, forcing me to lie down, and tucks the blanket cosily over my small body. She switches of the main light and instead puts on my little bedside lamp. She sits down again and looks at me dreamily. Then she slowly bends down besides me and hugs me.

"Goodnight Angel...." she whispers in my ear then kisses me tenderly on the forehead. "I love you. Never, ever forget that. I will always be with you wherever you go." she smiles, brushing a few strands of my chestnut hair out of my eyes. My dad bends down closer to me.

"I love you, baby. Never forget that. We will be with you forever, no matter what happens...." he smiles gently before leaving a kiss on the tip of my nose.

"I love you too mommy and daddy." I yawned "This much!" I extended both my hands as far as I could stretch them. They both smiled at me lovingly.

"Goodnight...." they both whispered, before getting up and walking to my bedroom door. I saw them turn around one last time and look at me with loving eyes. Daddy put his arm around mom's waist and gently pulls her out of my bedroom. I see her look at me the whole time and a tear glints in her eye. The door closes.

Darkness overcomes my vision and I slip into a deep sleep.


The last sound I hear is my mom sobbing quietly and the low buzzing of my father's deep voice comforting her.

Well, well.... I'M CRYING. I'm so bad....her parents are adorable and they love her so much! And yet.... *bursts into tears* Forgive me all please. If there is one thing I hate doing in my books is having to kill one of my characters for the sake of the intrigue going on. I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER PROFESSORS. Don't worry, I'll take care of Storm *winks wickedly* *gets hit on the head by bestie who read chapter 2* *bestie keeps on hitting me, yelling :* Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I took me a few hours to write, read, edit, read, edit, read and publish.







Have a nice day !

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