Chapter 2 : Welcome home

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Chapter 2 : Welcome home

I open my eyes and jump out of bed, sweat dripping down my spine, my breathing erratic. I dreamt of mom and dad ! How I miss them....I look at the old smashed alarm clock sitting silently on my bedside table, which is actually an upside down cardboard box.

5:24is written in small green letters on it's cracked screen. Good...I'm up on time. I couldn't remember exactly how many times I had gotten up late and got a Discipline Ticket from Mr. Avary, all because of this stupid old piece of mechanic.

I looked around at my familiar little room. I have lived in this room for the past 7 years since the death of my parents and I know every single inch of it, from the squeaky cracked wooden floorboards to the dull olive-green concrete walls with that single lone light bulb, the only source of light, sticking out of the grey ceiling. My home was this single bedroom, the only place where I could be me. It held the strict necessary of what I need to live : a metal-framed bed, a comfy blanket my mother knitted, a pocket flash-light I found in a waste bin and that Kyle managed to fix, my worn out and yet still faithful school bag, a first aid kit for when I come back home with scabs all over my hands, my father's bashed up isothermal water bottle, the jacket Kyle gave me for my birthday last year, my mother's pair of boots and my parent's journal.

My parent's left me this journal and told me to protect it with my life. It contains a map of our continent called 'America'. My father started drawing pictures of dinosaurs in it long before I was born. Each drawing is accompanied with a detailed description of the size, speed, strength, abilities and diet of each dinosaur. I can't remember how many times I have read this journal and added information I have found in it. I know it all. Every single line. Byheart. Kyle calls me 'Dinosaur freak' because I know so much about them.

I arrange my bed as decently as possible before putting my boots on. I splash my face with water from the basin sitting on my bedside table and try arranging my light brown hair by combing it with my fingers. I straighten my grey work suit and tighten my belt slightly before swinging my school bag on my back and opening my door, going out in the corridor.

I see Huito sitting against the wall outside, look up at me tiredly before lowering his eyes back to his breakfast. I walk past him, looking straight ahead, ignoring him. This is how life works here. We live in the Dark Hovel, everybody knows everybody. But it's a silent rule here that everyone minds their own business. It's already hard enough to live on the edge of society, excluded from other 'normal' people... We're all here for the same reasons. We are all outcasts because we are 'minor criminals'. Some stole a piece of bread out of hunger, tried to escape the bunker, disrespected Alastor or said something against the Bunker Laws. I'm here because I'm the daughter of 'traitors'. My parents were put to death 7 years ago for treason. No matter how many times I ask the Rulers why they thought my parents were traitors, they wouldn't tell me why they were arrested for treason, so I still don't know the cause of my parent's death. And that burdens me a lot because I refuse to believe it, my parents were innocent. They would never do something they know would affect me! They loved me too much for that...Besides, they were the kindest and most gentle creatures I have ever known, they wouldn't hurt a fly! I need to know what happened to them, but sadly I maybe never will...Kyle and I have been searching for answers ever since they left, and we still haven't found anything.

My feet carry me down the corridors, turning left and right when necessary. I have now left the Dark Hovel. I know the whole bunker's plan of all the different levels. The 1st level is my favourite, the one closest to The Surface. The one closest to the sun shining outside. The one closest to the world outside this suffocating hole. I have heard many stories about The Surface and what it looks like, we are taught at school what the world is and what the world used to be.

They taught us about the animals that used to roam the Earth 200 years ago. Animals called goats, cows, monkeys, horses, cats, dogs...Living creatures that walked on 4 legs instead of their two back legs, who had skin and fur instead of scales and feathers, who could neigh, howl and bark instead of growling, squirming, scratching, clawing and hooting. They are fascinating beings, such harmless and innocent creatures. Some of them were even called 'pets' because they lived with humans like friends. I wish I had a pet...

I also heard of the sun, a large fiery ball, millions of kilometres away from us and that helped keep The Surface warm. And the night, a dark sky filled with trillions of small, white dots called stars, a moon shining brightly and a cool breeze ruffling the leaves in the silhouettes of tall shadowy trees. And the sky, a large light blue blanket that covers the world and who changes its colour to pink or black over time or simply fills itself with fluffy white clouds and waters the Earth with rain.

It is said there are 5 continents : Africa, America, Eurasia, Arctic and Antarctic. Apparently there used to be one called Europe and an other one called Oceania. But Oceania disappeared in the Great War against dinosaurs, when the American president dropped a bomb on it, trying to get rid of as many dinosaurs as possible. Europe and Asia are now called Eurasia. There are 5 major bunkers in Eurasia now, and Alastor lives in the North one, in Ancient Russia. Alastor is our ruler, the man who makes law, who reinforces it, who decides what to do. He is considered God, and whatever he says goes. He decided to kill my parents, and I hate him for it. Most of the laws here are unjust, and condemn the poor and the weak. But there is nothing we can do about it.

I hear someone yell and look around. I have reached the bakery now and I can see the fat baker screaming bloody murder at a kid who disappears around the corner. I sigh. Another starving human who stole a piece of bread and who will end up getting penalised. I wish I could help, too bad... I continued walking, ignoring the scene being displayed in front of me. I was about to turn into the next street on my way to school, when I hear the baker yell :


I turn around, surprised, and look around, confused. Who is he talking to ? I wonder.

I turn around again and continue walking to school. I hear him yell :

"Hey! STOP!" He starts running in my direction. "STOP!" he yells again.

I widen my eyes, horrified. Oh no! He thinks I'm part of all of this! I can't afford getting arrested by the Guardians. Not now. It's already bad enough for me, I don't want the Guardians to come snooping around my apartment tonight.

So I did what any other normal human being would have done...


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