Chapter 2 : Past and dust

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Quite a time have passed since those humans entered our lives
As I predicted, their curiosity, deeply implanted in their human DNA like a uncured virus, still greatly present.
They kept asking us silly questions, glancig at me and my team like we were nothing but animals in a zoo, with almost twisted smiles

Did i tell you how much i hate them ? How much i hate your species ?

Yes, for primus sake

I am talking to you🔧

You noisy narcissistic being...

Things didn't get better when cliffjumper, a fellow gone autobot, mysteriously came back to life.
The team went to investigate, leaving me with..them
Of course, instead of staying silent, they kept asking me about the groundbridge.
Doing my best to stay "passive" and "comprehensive", as optimus asked me, i answered them, of course.
Such beings do not own a knowledge like mine.

At least the smaller one was useful and "helped" me fix my computer.
That boy was smarter than i thought.

Do not get me wrong, i still hate humanity.
He was just lucky.

When the autobots came back, i could sense fear, disappointment and disgust.
Arcee was infected with a toxic substance. The same substance that awakens the dead, corrupts the purest energy.

Dark energon

After taking a decontamination bath, she struggled back to us, almost passing out as she explained to us the disaster that has become his partner Cliffjumper.
She had a hard time speaking, mourning silently

Oh how i could feel her pain.

Crawling in your system like the plague
Making its way into your limbs and frame until they slowly burn like lava. In every piston, every wire, every cable.
Climbing in your processor and making it its home
Until it reaches your spark and froze it to nothingness
Empty, cold..


At least the pests remained quiet.

Soon everyone went to their usual occupation, attempting to ignore what happened in their own way.
But i just couldn't
My mind was racing in every possible and impossible ways
I couldn't get him off my helm

Staring at that screen, i could spot my sky optics, lifeless, almost dusty. What have I become ? Why did we fell apart ?


Working as a medic is an amazing job. Saving lives and feeling like you're useful is the best sensation a mech could have.

Bunch of people would prefer jobs like bartender, shop owner or even teachers.
They wouldn't want a risky job like mine.
But i do not mind.

Leaving my apartment, i could already feel the weather on my metal and protoform.
It was early in the morning, the light hitting my dented fragile frame.

Mornings were such pleasing moments. No sound, no crowds.
Just me, myself and I

That's what i thought

As i was making my way to the hospital i worked in, i could feel optics on me.
Dark and staring optics.
Evil optics

Out of curiosity more than fear, I turned around, glancing carefully at every spot, every corner.
But i couldn't perceive anything.
Ignoring it, I kept walking.

Until something
Or more precisely someone, jumped on me with such strength that i stumbled foward, and asked me with the deepest masculine voice

"What are you doing here, young mech ? Don't you know this area is dangerous ?
I could easily rip your frame in two and use your spark as a trophy"

Of course, fear crawled in my system.

Don't be ridiculous human
You would feel the same in this situation
Stop pretending you're some strong super hero that can arrest every villain in the world

I stayed speechless, only groans came out of me

Which apparently was enough for them to let go of me and put me back on my pedes
After a bit, i finally looked at my.. extremely tall aggressor.
A dark scheme with purple and red, horns and spikes on his helm, servos ending with long sharp claws, sharp like the dentas he had, as well as a long cape like which suited his predacon like legs very well.

And those predator eyes.
Red and yellow, perfectly mixed, staring at me like i was the oddest thing he's ever seen.

"Hey take a picture it'll last longer"

I blinked out of my spacing phase and frowned. Before i could answer back, the said mech cut me off and offered me something that oddly excited me.

"Not the fearful medic type ? I like that, wanna hang out after your shift ? You're strangely fascinating me"

Now if you were a normal Cybertronian
You would decline politely and run away
Calling the police in a rush and explaining everything to them

You would do the same, wouldn't you ?

But am i really a normal Cybertronian ?


I did not run away

I accepted

Second part :)
Hope you enjoyed

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