Chapter 5 : Is the past really the past ?

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Optimus was finally safe and sound from the cybonic plague

Oh you're wondering how ?
What a curious being you are

Before being infected, we had the chance to fall on the nemesis's coordinates
As the decepticons warship was the only one who could contain informations about a cure, Bumblebee and arcee entered it, discovering by the same occasion an unconscious layed down Megatron.

Which was a great opportunity. Bumblebee volunteered to connect himself with Megatron via a cortical psychic patch. After a few tricks here and there, we obtained the cure, much to Megatron's anger.

And Optimus was fine again. Everything was back to normal
Or so i thought.

The poor young scout kept having waking nightmares, seeing Megatron being often present in his mind, controlling him like a master and his puppet.
I decided to place him under statis so he could get some rest and proper recovery

How foolish and unconscious of me.

After a short conversation with one of our human "friends", Rafael, about family..which was odd..I went to my own occupation, placing Bumblebee under his supervision until my return.

What i didn't know was that the yellow and black young bot had other plans.
He used the groundbridge before returning back with a sample of dark energon.

Yet before i could do anything, and with a rage i didn't knew he had, Bumblebee punched me, hard.
My old medic self who wasn't much used to fighting, had a difficult time regaining consciousness

Do not get me wrong, I could fight. This war leaves no mercy even for the life saviors like me.

I would often train with him.
Every night or so, we would meet at the same spot, same time.
He would show me how to properly use a sword, a blades or even guns, as i wasn't equipped with them.

His frame was carefully moving against mine as his arms and legs were placing me in the correct fighting positions, leading my movements.

Then, after the whole training session, we would go to the bar and have a drink before regaining our quarters.

If only he was here.

Yes the old rusty medic here had a soft spot for a dangerous murder decepticon
You better not tell it to anyone 🔧

After getting back up and helping Rafael who was placed higher up by Bumblebee, i decided to investigate and follow Bumblebee.

Of course the human had to accompany me...

Resting on my shoulder (for safety only, don't get ideas), him and I silently entered the ship, Bumblebee's last destination.

And sooner or later, we found the scout attempting to bring Megatron back to life. Of course i had to stop him

Which... earned me another punch from him.
Primus sake, i never thought he would be that hard to fight.

After many attempts, Bumblebee was finally free from Megatron

At the cost of the evil lord being back for good in his silver shiny gladiator body

Some fighting, including Starscream being beaten up by Megatron, and shooting later, The whole team was reunited again.
Back to base, i checked Bumblebee once again, finding nothing.
Good, Everything was good.


As everyone was in their respectfully quarters or doing something, i couldn't help but think about him
Where was he now ? Was he online ? Hurt ? unconscious ?
I still kept his comm. Never got rid of it.

You humans do it too, don't you ? When a close one is gone and you don't want to erase their number.

I could try.
Maybe he would answer me ? Was he waiting for me the whole time ?
Would he reconize me ?

Walking to my desk, i carefully search through everything the dark evil mech would offer me as love gifts
Ornamental tools
Wrenches of different colors
Smaller blades

And finally, i found it
That piece of paper
Carefully, almost hesitantly
I entered the comm number into my comm data
Before pausing, sighing deeply
And dialing it

One ring

Two ring

Then nothing

Of course
What was i thinking.
The bot i so long admired and loved within the deepest part lf my spark was probably one with the allspark.

He is no longer with us anymo-

"Hello ? Who is this ?"

That voice, the same deepest voice, with a bit of rust and oldness

He was alive

Hope you all enjoyed the new chapter


(For my lover, dont mind it)

My Karakoum, My puppy if you read this message i want you to know i love you so much and i would do anything and everything for you
I am so glad my story brings you happiness and I'll keep writing it as long as you want
I love you so badly 🥺♥🧡🤍💍💐

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