DM: hades.lockey

522 17 1

BuckyJesusBarnes: Are you okay?

hades.lockey:  peachy.

BuckyJesusBarnes: Where are you?

hades.lockey: Florida.

BuckyJesusBarnes: Can i come see you?

hades.lockey: Why?

BuckyJesusBarnes: Because Tony's an asshole. And Steve and I aren't on the best of terms right now. Not after he said you deserved everything you went through.

hades.lockey: About that Bucky...

BuckyJesusBarnes: About what?

hades.lockey: I'll tell you when you get to Florida.

BuckyJesusBarnes: How will I find you? 

hades.lockey: Meet me at the Books-A-Million in daytona saturday.

BuckyJesusBarnes: See you then doll.

hades.lockey: See you then.

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