well well well...

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Ash:hey goh my old friend from Pallet town Gary wants to meet me at the local forest wanna come he is with project mew
Goh:oh like Horace?
Narrator:they meet Gary at the forest
Gary:oh there you are ash it's been awhile
Ash:ya it has been awhile hasn't it
Goh:you must be Gary?
Gary:you got it goh?
Narrator:after a few hours
Goh:(I wish ash would pay attention to me dose he evan like me anymore)
Goh:dose he like Gary?
Goh:hey ash can I speak with you in private for a moment
Ash:yeah sure?
Goh:ash what is with you do you like Gary if you do just tell me 😡
Ash:no why would I I cant believe this watch this (grabs goh and brings him to Gary)
Gary:something up?
Ash:goh hear is jealous so for reference watch this (pulls goh in for a big kiss)
Ash:dose that prove it...
Goh:ya I...I...secret or not I love you satoshi....
Narrator: they rap up and head home


secret or not I love you satoshi xWhere stories live. Discover now