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Goh:"(writeing in diary)"looking at ash every day it's just painful all I ever want is to hold him but no I cant ruin this I'll never be trusted by him again. I never asked for theses felling I dont want them but I cant escape....
Ash: (rushing in) gohhhhhhh
Goh:(closes frantically)
Goh:um ye yea!
Ash:I hear....what's that book?
Goh:oh um nothing
Ash:nooo tell me pleasssse
Goh:no I I cant
Ash:sure you can
Goh: n... noooooo
Goh:(runs out lab)
Ash:sheesh overreacting god anyways he left it here.....
Goh: no no I I cant (running randomly towards the waterfall)
Goh:he cant know ...oh shhhhit I left it there....
Goh:but he wouldn't tho right..... ba no
Ash:sorry (opens)..........

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