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Third Person P.O.V

After 16 years have passed (your name), Carlisle and there son had had many ventures together all around the world. They moved all over for a couple of years before moving back to Forks. (Your sons name) was being homeschooled and he didn't mind. Meaning he could be anywhere in the world and still be in school. When they had moved back home it was a little different besides his uncles and aunts being there. He wondered if he would ever find himself a mate. Traveling around the world and don't find him one even though he was still only 17 years old. He wondered when it would be his turn.

Son's name P.O.V

I was in my room relaxing. I had just finished a paper for a history assignment my father gave me. It was about the Civil War. I was going to have my uncle Jasper proofread it and make sure it was correct. I remember talking to him on the phone and it's typing him a couple of times because I know that he did serve in the Civil War. It was a very interesting talk. But I did enjoy every bit of it. I thought you were the best person to ask the side using the Internet would be my uncle anyways. Most of my family have lived a long time well maybe over 100 years. I did learn that my family are vampires and my cousin/niece Renesmee- who I consider as a cousin may I add- is a hybrid. I myself am also a hybrid or Super highbred as my mother says. Because I am part human and vampire and changeling. It's kind of hard to explain when I think about it. But anyways I don't try to think about it too much. I don't really have to explain it to anybody anyways except trying to explain it to Renesmee occasionally. But I don't get to see her often because my sister-in-law/ aunt Bella doesn't really let me around her very much which I don't mind. She doesn't really like to treat my mother very nicely so I show her the same respect. I don't treat her nicely either even though my dad says that I should. But why would I treat her with respect if she doesn't treat my mom with respect? Anyways I was in my room laying down in my bed since I was able to sleep and rested my eyes for a little bit. Is it only been about two days since I had gotten back to the house. We were moving all of our things back into the house from our move. I didn't take too long since we did have superhuman speed. But I was being lazy and not wanting to put my stuff away leaving it in the boxes. My mom did come and yell at me occasionally to put things away but of course I was being rebellious. After about an hour and a half of resting I went downstairs to go get myself something to eat one of my favorite foods eggs and bacon with hasbrows! I knew how to cook because my mom showed me how. I didn't really think anybody was in the house since I knew my mom and dad had work today they were back at the hospital once again. But as I was cooking my aunt Bella came in giving me the sign guy telling me that what I was cooking smelled terrible. I ignored her and continued to cook. She didn't eat real food anymore since she was a vampire and on a animal diet. It's far as I could hear she was the only one here. This was not going to make my life at this moment any easier."so when did you get back? Why didn't you let anybody know before you came into the house?"I looked at her and rolled my eyes"you know this is my parents house and I don't have to have permission to come in to MY house. And you know when I got back two days ago come on." I groaned and continue to cook my food because my stomach was growling so much. I looked up for a second to see her roll her eyes at me as I spoke up again, "why don't you just relax or go home."she crossed her arms and looked at me. "You can't tell me what to do I am older than you anyways and you should respect your elders."she said come in closer to me as I made a joke with her"we're only one year older than me come on."For a fact she was turned when she was 18 years old or 19 ish. "She then growled at me "no I'm 36 and you should listen."I shook my head ,"nope my mom and dad's house their rules I listen to them not you thanks leave me alone."but that I continue to let her talk one ear and out the other I didn't really pay attention and I don't know what she said as I finished my food putting it on a plate putting it close to me so she couldn't take it as I wash the dishes and put them away picking up my food taking a fork and walking back to my room locking the door. That way she could not bother me anymore. I went to my desk and eat my food before pulling up my laptop and looking at the assignments I had to do later on in the week. It wasn't anything too bad. I got a text from my mom saying that they would be home a little later than normal because they had some surgeries to do. I didn't mind I didn't have much to do anyways I just wanted to relax. And not have to worry about anybody. After I was done I took out a couple more things from some boxes and put them away breaking down the boxes and putting them by the trashcan not that they would fit but at least they would be by the trashcan. It wasn't long until it was about maybe 10 o'clock at night and I decided to go make some popcorn for myself I saw most of my family in the living room but I ignored them made some popcorn for myself and went back to my room. Ate some of my popcorn watch some TV. then fell asleep there's some hard rain hitting on my balcony.

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