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Son's name P.O.V ~dream~

~ I opened my eyes and I was near a beautiful waterfall. It was when I had seen before it was on the Indian reservation. I was allowed to go there since some of my friends were there. I look down at my bare feet in the water. Noticing that I myself was fully naked. I smiled going deeper and deeper into the water till I was neck deep. The water was crystal clear and so cool. I could lay there in the water for hours. And then heard my name being called. I turned around to see a native girl and I smiled. I went to say her name but nothing came out but it was like something to come out because I didn't hear what it was. I watched her strip naked feeling myself get very hot. As she got in swimming up to me . However I was not able to see from her nose down. But her (color) eyes were so beautiful. I felt like I could look at them for hours. Since I was able to touch the bottom of the water she was not my hands held onto her as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I leaned in and kissed her lips.~

I want to continue with the dream but I heard my name as I woke up groaning groggy as my blankets were over me lifting my head up and turning on my light on my desk before seeing my uncle Edward. I groaned very unhappy. "Yes?" I asked him as he smiled crossing his arms walking closer and into the bedroom. "You need to learn to keep your thoughts to yourself because they're very pornigraphic." I look at him very much in disbelief as I said, "I'm I was asleep I'm sorry but I can't shield myself while I'm asleep. Look at someone else's mind instead of mine while I'm asleep." I was groggy. As he laughed and sat at the edge of my bed. "I know but god damn you had a good look at a women."I set up looking at him and laughed. "Yes and now you got to see you naked girl other then your wife." I teased and smiled but Bella walked in and I looked at her as she said, "what's this I hear about a naked women?" Edward shook his head, "nothing love don't worry about it." She scoffed and rolled her eyes at me before walking out as I looked up at uncle Edward. And he said, "you know I don't know if she'll ever come around. She still thinks your mom one upped her with the family and Volturi. The Volturi are more nice and interested in you and your mom more then anyone else." I nodded "In a way I think she's jealous. But I don't see why. Aro is really my grandfather of course he would be more interested in me then Renesmee anymore. And I know I'm just like her. There are many like us I'm sorry but Renesmee is not the only special one." I said as he nodded "I know (sons name) but I hope she comes around sometime. I promise I do try but she doesn't really listen and sometimes as you know."I nodded laying back down pushing my blankets down almost forgetting that I was completely naked which uncle Edward looked away quickly. "Ah man come on warn me next time." He laughed and walked to the door. I laughed to. He then said ,"get back to sleep." He smiled and left as I layed back down and wished I could go back to the dream I was having. It was so good and I really wanted to see what would happen next. But I fell asleep and didn't really dream of anything after that.

Running with Wolves - Sequel to Another Chance Where stories live. Discover now