Chapter Eleven: Versus

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We pulled into the Byres driveway when I then spotted someone stood on the porch. Billy pulled up to a halt and I saw a smile already across his face. Billy grabbed another cigarette, took his jacket off and stepped out the car.
"Am I dreaming or is that you Harrington?" said Billy as I also got out of the car, confused on why Steve was at the Byres house.
"Yeah, it's me, don't cream your pants." said Steve, putting up a front. Billy and Steve started to walk towards each other whilst I stood by the car, watching.
"What are you doing here, amigo?" said Billy as he lit his cigarette.
"I could as you the same question. Amigo." replied Steve. They stood and faced each other like a stand off.
"I'm looking for my step sister, a little birdy told me she was here."
"Huh, that's weird. I don't know her." said Steve, putting his hands on his hips.
"Small. Red head. Bit of a bitch?" Billy described.
"Yeah that's not ringing any bells man, sorry." replied Steve. Billy narrowed his eyes and stepped closer to Steve, taking a drag of his cigarette.
"I don't know, this whole giving me the heebie jeebies." started Billy.
"Yeah? Why's that?"
"My thirteen year old sister is missing, all day. Then I find her with you, at a strangers house and you lie to me about it." Billy had a disgusted look on his face.
"Dude, were you dropped too much as a child or what?" started Steve. Billy stuck his tongue between his teeth with a smile. "I don't know what you don't understand about what I just said. She's not here."
"Oh yeah? Then who's that?" said Billy, pointing. Steve and I both followed his finger towards the window and we saw Dustin, Mike, Lucas and Max looking out the window. As soon as they saw us, they dropped down hoping we didn't see them.
"What the fuck Steve?" I said, taking a step closer to them.
"Listen man, I can expl-" started Steve before being interrupted by Billy, pushing him to the floor.
"I told you to plant your feet." said Billy before stomping on Steve's stomach making him gasp for hair.
"Billy!" I shouted at him. Billy ignored me and walked ahead towards the house. I ran over to Steve, watching Billy with an angry expression. "Are you okay?" I said, kneeling down to him.
"Nope...not really..." Steve said, wheezing.
"Stay there." I said to Steve, picking myself
up and storming after Billy. I ran through the door, just behind him to catch him talking to Max.
"I thought I told you to stay away from him, Max." he said, towering over her.
"Billy, go away..." she replied, backing away from him.
"You disobeyed me and you know what happens when you disobey me."
"Billy..." panicked Max.
"I break things." Suddenly, Billy goes for Lucas and grabs him by his coat and pushes him into the kitchen and holds him up against the fridge.
"Billy!" I screamed at him.
"Imogen!?" cried Dustin, finally spotting me.
"Let him go!" cried out Mike.
"Get off!" shouted Lucas. Lucas kicked out his leg, hitting Billy right in between his legs causing to him to drop Lucas. Lucas ran back to the side we were all stood on.
"Oh Sinclair, you're're dead!" shouted Billy, about to go for him again. All of a sudden a hand dropped on to Billy's shoulder, turning him around.
"No, you are." said Steve, right before clenching his fist and right hooking Billy right in the face.
"Fuck sake, Steve!" I yelled out, grabbing my hair, unsure what to do. Billy turned back and faced Steve, laughing whilst blood dripped from his nose.
"You've got some fire in you after all, huh? I've been waiting to meet this 'King Steve' they tell me so much about!" Billy shouted with a psychotic smile on his face. Steve placed his hand out towards Billy and pushed on his chest.
"Get out." he said, calmly. Billy stood there for a seconds and let out another laugh.
"Billy, stop it, let's go!" I said, trying to convince him. He didn't pay any attention to me, Billy suddenly went to right hook him in the face but he missed as Steve ducked. Steve threw another punch to Billy, making Billy's mouth also bleed. Billy kept laughing as Steve threw another, causing Billy to back up against the kitchen sink.
"Kick his ass, Steve!" yelled Dustin.
"You are not helping!" I snapped at Dustin.  Before Steve could throw another, Billy grabbed a plate off the kitchen side and smashed it over Steve's head, making Steve fall back in pain and become a little woozy. Billy started walking towards the woozy Harrington until I tried to intervene.
"Billy, enough! Just stop it!" I said, trying to grab his arm. He aggressively shook me off of him, making me stumble to the side. Billy grabs Steve by the jacket.
"No one tells me what to do." he said before head butting him, sending him to the ground.
"Billy stop!" cried out Max. Billy climbed on top of Steve and started to repeatedly punch him in the face with both fists. I ran over and jumped on his back, trying to pull his arms away.
"Billy! Stop it, get the fuck off of him!" I screamed at him. Billy grabbed me and pulled me off of him and threw me to the ground. I slid along the floor into the wall.
"Stay the fuck out of this, Henderson!" he screamed back at me before going back to repeatedly beat Steve. I looked at him with a shocked by angry expression. I looked up at the kids who stood there and watched, not knowing what to do. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I didn't know what to do, he was going to kill Steve. I then spotted Max at the corner of my eye, move over to a dressing table where she spotted a syringe. She grabbed it, pushed passed the others and went over to Billy and rammed it into his neck, injecting him with something. This made Billy immediately stop, looking to the side to see the syringe in his neck. He grabbed it and pulled it out of his neck, inspecting it.
"The hell is this?" he asked, standing himself up and turning to face Max. He started to become a little wobbly with his balance. "You little shit, what have you done?" he said, starting to slur. He took a step back and then fell to the ground, landing on his back. He laid there laughing to himself. Max spotted the bat with nails that I saw Steve with earlier, over on the floor and picked it up. She stood in front of Billy, holding the bat in position.
"From here on out, you're going to leave me and my friends alone. Do you understand?" Max threatened.
"Screw you." slurred Billy. Max swung the bat to the ground, planting it in the floor just in between Billy's legs. He looked down in panic. Max pulled it up out of the floor and got in position again.
"Say it!" she screamed at him.
"I...understand..." mumbled Billy.
"I couldn't hear you." said Max. She had a serious look on her face, a look not to be messed with.
"I understand." spat out Billy. I watched as Billy's eyes fluttered and he was knocked out cold. Max threw the bat back on the floor.
"Imogen, are you okay?" asked Dustin, coming over to me. I looked up at him with a confused but worried expression.
"Yeah...yeah I'm okay." I said, standing myself up. "What the hell is going on here?" I asked.
"We need to save Will." said Mike.
"Save him from what? What did you do to Billy?" I asked, turning to Max.
"It's only a sleeper, I just knocked him out." she said.
"How long for?" I asked.
"Look, I know you're just another one of Billy's hookups but he was going to ruin this for us." snapped Max. She had a similar attitude to me.
"Excuse me?" I said, raising an eyebrow. Max knelt down and grabbed Billy's car keys out his pocket.
"Let's go." she said.
"Go where? What's happening?" I asked.
"Imogen, can you drive, I'll explain on the way!" said Dustin.
"You know I can't drive, dummy." I replied.
"It's cool, I can." said Max.
"What? No way, you're a kid." I replied.
"Imogen! This is a matter of life and death! I'll explain everything but for now, help us grab Steve and just get in the damn car with us!" shouted Dustin.
"Leave Steve, he's fine there!" said Mike.
"We can't just leave him, he'll be cool I swear!" said Dustin.
"He's gonna totally freak out!" Mike added. I looked at Dustin for a second, wondering who the fuck he was talking to. But after that scene, I just listened to the little shit and was going to help them move Steve to outside and into Billy's car.
"We're not gonna leave him, come on, let's go." I said, heading towards passed out and bloody Steve. Lucas grabbed a map whilst Mike grabbed a can of gasoline. Dustin ran off and grabbed goggles and bandanas for everyone. I had no idea what they needed this stuff for or where they were going but I was too shocked to keep asking all those questions.
Max climbed into the driving seat with Lucas up front with her. Dustin and Mike sat on the outside back seats whilst I sat in the middle with Steve passed out between my legs, keeping his head on my lap and holding an ice pack to it. I felt on edge about Max driving but she seemed to have the hang of it pretty quickly. Not bad for a thirteen year old.
Dustin had tried to explain what was going on to me but I was struggling to understand or even believe what he was saying but the others were trying to convince me it was true.
"Wow, wow, back up. So we are heading towards a gate to another dimension to burn a hive mind that's taken over your friend Will?" I recapped.
"Yes, Wills been possessed by the Mind Flayer and he's with Mrs Byres, Jonathan and Nancy right now." said Dustin.
"They're trying to burn it out of him." added Mike.
"And why are you going to burn the hive mind again?" I questioned. Dustin moaned at me.
"I already told you! It will help Will!" Suddenly, I heard moans coming from beneath me and Steve's head started moving. He turned to look at Mike.
"Nancy?" he mumbled. Mike looked at me and Dustin confused. Steve let out a moan as he went to touch his face which was all beaten up and bloody.
"No, no, no don't touch it." said Dustin, moving his hand away. "Hey buddy, shh, shhh! You put up a good fight, he kicked your ass but you put up a good fight." Steve looked up at me whilst I held the ice pack to his head.
"Immy?" he mumbled.
"Don't call me that." I said, quietly.
"Okay, you're gonna keep straight for half a mile and then make a left on Mount Sinai." said Lucas to Max. Steve looked ahead, I guess his sight was still coming into focus.
"Wh-what's going on?" asked Steve. He turned his head and clocked Max driving. "Oh my god." he said at the sight.
"Relax Steve, she's driven before." said Dustin.
"Yeah, in a parking lot!" scowled Mike.
"What?" I said, not realising she had only driven once and not even on a an actual road.
"That counts!" joined Lucas.
"Oh my god." said Steve, realising the situation.
"Steve, don't move." I said, as I feel him start to fidget.
"They wanted to leave you behind." Dustin said to Steve.
"Oh my god." Steve said again, starting to panic.
"But I promised you'd be cool." Dustin tried to calm Steve. Max grabbed the gear stick and shifted gear, slamming the gas causing the car to pick up speed, g-force knocking us back a little.
"Wow! Slow down...stop the car." Steve said, panicking but trying to stay calm.
"Steve, it's okay, calm down!" I said, trying to pull him back to lay down. He resisted.
"I told you he'd freak out!" exclaimed Mike.
"Stop the car!" yelled Steve.
"Everybody shut up! I'm trying to focus!" shouted Max.
"That's Mount Sinai!" said Lucas, pointing out the window ahead.
"What?" asked Max.
"Turn left! Left!" cried Lucas. Max did an immediate turn to the left, causing the car to swerve on and off the road. Everyone let out a scream as Max tried to get control of the car again. Steve screamed and turned his face into my lap as I closed my eyes and hoped for the best. Max regained control again and continued down the road. I opened my eyes and saw everyone looking scared and panting.
"Jesus kid, careful!" I shouted at her. Steve turned his face away from my lap and back up at me again.
"I haven't been down here for a while." he said, quietly.
"Oi, don't make me hurt you too." I threatened. Dustin laughed at my comment. Max managed to drive us to our destination without killing us all. I looked ahead and saw from the cars front lights, a big hole dug in the ground. I had no idea what I was about to see next.

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