Chapter 21

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After Peter and Mrs Potts finished the paper work we had gone into Mr Starks lab and worked on some inventions. We had built a whole clock wrist watch.

For some reason after we finished he took it apart. "I did the same thing to Peter, now I wanna see if you can also do it, rebuild the watch" he then walked away with Peter to do something else. "Wh-" i was completely gaslighted.

It took me about 45 minutes but eventually I rebuild it "yes" I cheered silently to my self while doing a lil dance in place. Mr stark came over laughing a little "wow good job Y/N it's exactly the same." Just then Dr banner had walked in the door.

"Hey Peter, Tony and Y/N!" He nodded his head and smiled, I smiled back trying not to fan girl again- Dr banner pulled Mr stark aside to talk about something on a starkpad. A few minutes later they came back to me and Pete "Tony I'm... stealing Y/N for a little while" Tony shook his head and I walked off with Dr Banner.

"So, that formula you wrote on the test... D-do you actually think it'll work" he asked "possibly if we do the math and chemically stuff right" he chuckled a little. We made a few formulas and equations on the theory. "This May actually work!" He smiled, I smiled as well I felt proud of my self for once.

Mr stark came Into the room "kid did you want to stay for dinner? It's almost 9 pm" "uh- it's up to you, I mean if you want me to stay I'll stay but if you don't want me t-" "kid." Mr stark said with a laugh, I looked down ashamed for almost rambling again "it's ok you can stay"

We walked to the elevator "FRIDAY common room" mr stark said, the elevator seemed to be faster every time I went on it but I knew I was just being delusional. "Arrived" we walked off and almost all the avengers were there.

"Hey honey, Peter, Bruce, and oh! Y/N your staying for dinner" Mrs Potts said excitingly. Everyone said hi to us and I still felt like Steve didn't like me...

"Hey kid, nice seeing you again" Mr Barton said while walking up to me. "Hey Mr Barton" I smiled, I kinda missed him but I felt like I was being a burden. "What happened to your eye?" Crap I forgot I had a black eye. "Uhh..." I had to think of an excuse and quick. "A wall, yes a wall got in my way and it hurt my eye, I was there first. Not the wall" that was a horrible lie Y/N your such an idiot!!

He looked as if he knew I was lying but brushed it off. "Mean walls" Nat said, I jumped scared "sorry Y/N" Nat laughed. I laughed a little and put my hand through my hair. We talked for a little bit then Mr stark interrupted everyone asking what we wanted for dinner "Cmon no one has anything on their mind" Mr stark rolled his eyes "you guys are always hungry, there's Italian, Chinese, Sushi, Thai, Pizza"

"Pizza!" Pietro called out after zooming up to Mr stark. "Pizza it is" Steve said while Tony asked what pizzas we wanted. "Ping pong?" Nat asked me, "sure" we walked over and we played. It was an intense round, I almost loss a few times but ended up beating her!

"You just got beat AGAIN by a child" mr Barton was laughing at her. Nat walked up to him and punched him in the stomach making him grain in pain. "Nah you can't beat me Y/N" Pietro zoomed up to me "he plays by himself with his speed" Wanda said while rolling her eyes at Pietro "your on" I said. He started the game.

It was 5-7 with me winning so far, Pietro had an advantage of always getting the ball from his speed but he didn't use it surprisingly. I ended up winning "dammit!" He said while throwing the paddle on the table "language!" Steve yelled. I laughed and so did Wanda.

"Got some competition Pietro" Nat said while high-fiving me. Mr spy and the gc were right, they wouldn't dislike me. It felt nice being able to talk to adults in person without being hit or touched. "How old are you?" Steve asked "13" "wow your smart for your age" he was surprised. "Thank you" I said with an awkward laugh.

"Oh I'm Mr. Rogers I-I'm sorry for w-what I said before" I looked down guilty "it's alright Y/N you were going through a tough time but just please don't hurt yourself, Promise?" he looked at me with that worried father look. "Promise" he smiled a bit and I slightly smiled even though I knew I was lying. I don't even have the strength to kill my self I'm just a coward but I sure got the guts to cut my self to feel pain and know that part of me is still alive.

The pizza came about 6 minutes later and we sat down to eat. I only took one piece trying not to be a burden or being fat. "You not hungry kid?" Mr stark asked with concern "no I am just not that much" I said. He looked confused but went back to eating his food.

They were all talking and laughing about something that happened to James in the morning, James mumbled and rolled his eyes. "You ok Y/N" Peter whispered "y-ya I'm ok just anxious" I whispered back.

After we finished eating Pietro zoomed around and grabbed everyone's plates and put them in the dishwasher. "Zoom" I said faintly under my breath when ever he sped. Mr stark laughed. "We should be getting home Mr stark it's almost 10" Peter said. "Ya... forgot you guys had to leave" he laughed.

Clint's POV

Pete, Tony, Bruce and... Y/N! Came out of the elevator for dinner. "Hey honey, Peter, Bruce, and oh! Y/N your staying for dinner" pepper was clearly exited. Peter and Y/N went to the couch to sit and talk, a few minutes late Peter left to chase Pietro for the same thing they did to each other every single week.

Y/N laughed while watching Pietro zoom off, "Hey kid, nice seeing you again" l went to sit next to her. "Hey Mr Barton" She smiled, I noticed she had a black eye that looked like she had gotten one last week and this week. "What happened to your eye?" "Uhh..." She was hesitant to answer "A wall, yes a wall got in my way and it hurt my eye, I was there first. Not the wall" she was clearly lying but I didn't want to push her to tell me if she wasn't comfortable.

Nat sneaked your behind her and scared her on accident "mean walls" Y/N jumped in fear "sorry Y/N" me and Nat laughed. I had a soft spot for this kid, I hated to see what she has gone threw in the past years of her life. I would hate for my kids to go through all of that. Hell, I couldn't even imagine it.

Y/N and Nat went to go play Ping pong. It was an intense round between the girls. But Y/N ended up beating her at the last second.

"You just got beat AGAIN by a child" I was laughing my head off at Nat, she walked to me and hit me in the stomach. I groaned in pain, Pietro came zooming to our location. "Nah you can't beat me Y/N"  "he plays by himself with his speed" Wanda said while rolling her eyes at Her brother "your on" Y/N said. They started the game.

Of course Y/N won.

We had gotten Pizza for dinner, Y/N had only taken 1 piece of pizza which I found strange. I've noticed she doesn't eat a lot and mostly just drinks liquids. It was almost as if she hated herself or... didn't want to be here.

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