27: BIG! Fan

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I guess a hero comes late"  A familiar voice whispered to itself. Y/n froze before quickly turning around, staring right into a blue eye man himself... Splendid
"Oh my gosh  Mr. Hero Splendid!"  Y/n yelled out surprised by seeing him. "Mr. Hero Splendid!"  She shouted out once again.  "Didn't expect to see you here!" He said smiling while rubbing his hands together excitedly.  "Of course I had to save innocent being but to meet you again in person  is quite the pleasure!" Y/n squealed while placing her hands on his chest with a big grin on her face.
"As my number one fan I'll come by anytime"  Splendid winked as he held her hands and squeezed tightly causing her to blush slightly at his sudden contact with her.
"Okay...." Y/n said still blushing a little. "Anyway, I need to return home-"   Splendid suddenly gripped her wrist tightly which caused her to yelp in pain and pull her wrist out of his grip and held her arm close to her torso. "Oh no! Your hurt!" He exclaimed worriedly as he looked at the wound on her arm. "It's alright, I just scratched it a little, don't worry..." She reassured him with a shaky breath.
"If I could have a look... I might be able to fix it." He suggested as he stepped closer to Y/n . "No... no it's ok. I can clean myself up, really..." She reassured him while backing away slowly. "Please." He continued with puppy dog eyes.
He was acting pretty childish to be honest.  But that doesn't mean she wouldn't entertain him for awhile. "Ok... but please be careful"   She finally relented. He flashed another toothy grin and then proceeded to gently run his finger up and down the length of her arm. His touch sent a shiver down her spine and goosebumps rose on her arms. Before long she was completely flustered. "So... how long have you been saving lives?"  She asked curious. "Not long... only 5 years at most, but I do want to save more."  He explained proudly.

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