04 || Powerful

129 7 2

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The Turtle Brothers were hauling ass back to the lair now that Mikey had been injured. As they marched through their home, Mikey is still hooting and hollering from the pain. "Sensei!" The young turtle cried out as Leo and Donnie were holding him in his arms to ensure he didn't fall face down on the floor.

Right away, Splinter ran through the lair, finding his four sons at the candle platform that is located in the middle of their home. "Boys! What happened?" The rat asked urgently, quickly noticing Michelangelo's injured arm. "Who has done this?!"

"Foot Clan, Dad," Leo replied. "We were in the subways and soldiers had hostages."

While Leo filled in his fathers, Mikey continues to breathe through the intense pressure in his arm and Donnie grabs the emergency first aid kit from his lab. Quickly and with great precision, Don talks through the procedure. "Mikey," He says. "I'm just gonna dab away some of the blood." Don said, holding a gauze pad in his hand.

"Oh, man! I've been shot!" Mikey cried, tears teasing to leave his eyes.

Raphael groaned, rolling his eyes and believing Mikey is totally overreacting. "Bro," Big Red said bluntly. "You would never handle an apocalyptic world, then."

Mikey scoffed, turning his body away from Raphael.

Splinter sighed deeply, watching Donnie treat his little brother. "The Foot Clan did this?" Their father asked.

Leo nods, his expressions appearing stressful. "Yes, Sensei. But--"

Mikey butts into the conversation. "It wasn't just any foot soldier, Dad! It was a-- OW!!" He blurts, feeling the muscles in his arm throb and pinch.

"Sorry!" Don yanks his hands away.

The younger brother settles, looking back at Splinter. "A girl! A girl shot me."

Raph scoffed harshly at Michelangelo. "How would you know it was a chic?" He asked, sitting on the other side of the candle platform. "You can hardly tell the difference between an orange and a grapefruit!"

"Uh, did you not hear the 'chic' call out to the other when we were in the subways?" Mikey questioned his brother.

"He's got a point." Says Donnie, carefully prying the bullet fragments from Mikey's arm, feeling his brother slightly squirm and mumble. "I heard a female voice and a female name. Violet... something like that. From what I heard, there were two girls besides Karai. Lady soldiers."

Raph got up from the candle platform, groaning out loud. "Who cares about a couple 'a Chic Foot Soldiers? They are still part of that malicious group!"

"He's right," Leo says, taking two steps backward from his brothers and Splinter. "I'll get a hold of the Chief-- get an update about tonight." He walks from the platform to go sit in Donnie's lab.

As Donnie was just about to wrap up Mikey's arm, a familiar voice echoed through the sewer tunnels. "Hey, guys?!" That is definitely April O'Neil storming through the lair. She's jogging from the entry and finds Raph, Donnie, Mikey, and Splinter at the candle platform. "Did you all just come from the subways?!"

"They did, April." Splinter replied, the reporter wearing an olive-colored jacket and skinny jeans with her hair down. The rat continues. "Mikey has been injured."

"Uh, it's nothing too bad, Angel Cakes!" Michelangelo chuckled.

April's jaw dropped to the floor when she saw the wraps on the turtle's arm. "Oh, Mikey! You're okay, though, right?" She set a hand on his shoulder.

Iɴᴅɪɢᴏ & Sᴀɴᴅsᴛᴏɴᴇ || ᴀ ᴛᴍɴᴛ ғᴀɴғɪᴄ '16【✓】 Where stories live. Discover now