Chapter 1: juice

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Your pov


I hear as my phone awakens me from my sleep to see I have a message from my best friend loona

Loona: wake up dickhead

She text me

Y/n: why are you waking me up so early

I text her back

Loona: early? its 12 in the fucking afternoon

She replies. I glance to the left side of my phone to see it is indeed 12 in the afternoon

Y/n: what are we doing today anyway

I text her

Loona: did you already forget what we had planned today

Y/n: yes

Loona: uh you blockhead we have that party we are going to tonight

Y/n: oh that party. It's at 7 right

Loona: so you remember the time of a party you forgot. You know what just get ready at meet me in front of your house

She texted back . I sigh and get up to get ready for the day I start of by taking a shower then doing stuff that normal people do you know brush teeth do hair etc. I go downstairs and throw a bagel in the toaster as I Struggle to put on my jacket when the toaster goes off and I run and grab my bagel,phone, and house and car keys and run outside to see a very peeved Loona

Loona: I have been waiting here for 30 FUCKING MINUTES

Y/n: ... I am sorry....

I say in a slight scared voice . You see funny thing about Loona is that loona isn't human far from it she's actually a hell hound . Some may be like "WHAT A   HELLHOUND IN THE NORMAL WORLD"Well guess what this world isn't close to normal at all . For fucks sake my neighbourhood is 8-foot wendigo whose house is made of ticks and shattered tree trunks and all that just leads down to the actual living space but looking past that she actually a really nice person or thing then my neighbour across the street is the doom slayer who is secretly a gardener and then my neighbour on the left is a business velociraptor with a top hat and brief case. You get the idea .

Loona: hello earth to (y/n)

Y/n: oh huh oh yeah were to

Loona: get in the car I'll tell you on the way

Y/n: okay then let's go

I say is we get into my navy blue z28 1979 Chevrolet Camaro. Loona gets into the passenger seat. I put my key in the ignition and start the car and pull out of the driveway as we do I turn on the radio and play master of puppets by Metallica and speed off while Loona tells me where we need to go

Loona: alright well first I need you to stop at my dad's house so I can grab some things for the party tonight

Y/n: what things

Loona: you'll see at the party...boop...

She says as she boops me in the nose. I give a very confused look as she just laughs at me while holding her stomach. As I give her a deadpan face as she continues to laugh until we eventually reach blitzo's house or also known as her dad's house. She gets out of the car and runs into her dad's house to go grab her "things" for the party. It took her about 5 minutes before she ran out of the house.

Blitzo: BYE ~LOONIE ~


She yells as she gets back in the car. I was about to make some cocky remark about her nickname but I decide not to against my better judgement.

Time skip cause I hit writer's block
It's 6:34 and I am currently waiting for loona to change into her "things". I am currently scrolling through social media right now as she gets ready and as something catches my attention. It was about a music group called the glam rocks who just released a new song called "survive the night"

Y/n: hmmm interesting

Then I hear the door open to reveal loona in a corset dress that had a pentagram and she wore a collar around her neck

Then I hear the door open to reveal loona in a corset dress that had a pentagram and she wore a collar around her neck

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Loona: so (y/n) how do I look

She says with a smug look and a hand on her hip

Y/n: you look amazing

I say which cause her to slightly blush

Y/n: now shall we go to said party

I say as we head to my car

A/n: now future chapters will be much long than this ,this is  just a small starter chapter to kick off the story and I apologize to the people that read the other roxxane wolf story, because i deleted it because it was poorly written in my opinion. So this is kind of like a make up story

Loona x male reader x roxxane wolfWhere stories live. Discover now