Being British?

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Hey! This is my only other story I've posted! The theme song for this chapter is goin' to be Numb, by Linkin Park. Hope you like!

Donnie's POV
"Ow!" I hear April shout from a few rooftops away. "That hurt!" As I near the rooftop she and another person were on, I see April holding her leg as she sits on the ground. The black haired girl with her chuckles. "Well I highly doubt a hit like that would tickle!" The girl says with her thick British acccent. April sighs. "It's getting so dark out. Shouldn't we just postpone the training for tonight?" The black haired girl shakes her head, seeming disappointed. "Oh April. It's always darkest before it turns pitch black!" April laughs. The girl looks around, almost as if she were a gaurd dog."If I gave you some completely random advice, would you take it?" April shrugs with her arms crossed. "Depends on what it is." She jumps from one foot to another, the light from the lantern they brought out casting an eery shadow across the girl. "... Rhedeg, Ebrill. Maent yn fan hyn." Just as she finishes speaking, at least twenty Kraangs land behind her. Raph whistles. "What'd she do to get so much attention? An A+ on a math test?" I choose to ignore his barb at the girl. She spins around, and as the lantern illuminates her, I feel that she is also emitting light. I look closer and see that her hair goes from a pitch black at the top, to light grey at the bottom. And that's when it hits me. She really IS giving off extra light. Her hair looks like millions of stars gathered and attatched themselves to each and every strand, her pale skin glowing, making it look like a reflection of moonlight. Her deep purple eyes seemed to focus on nothing and everything at the same time. As the Kraang neared, she straightened to her full height, as tall as me. "Kraang has come to retrieve the one known as April O'Neil. Kraang will kill protector species, subject 666." The girl scoffs. "What are you? A dog? Get lost, you know you're not welcome here. She pulls out two guns, both what appear to be glocks, but April stops her. "Woah,woah,woah! Unless ou have a silencer on those things, I don't think you wanna use those!" The girl scowls like a five year old that didn't get ice cream. Suddenly the whole front row of Kraang droids drop, throwing knives stuck in their heads. She pulls out a long scythe and kicks one of the droids as it twitches. "Talk about kicking someone while they're down." Mikey mutters. "Let's go guys!" Leo whisper-shouts. We jump onto the other roof and start slicing, decapitating, stabbing and kicking at the Kraang until they were all gone. I sigh as Mikey starts getting all hyper, jumping around April. Then, it's like time stops. The shiny blade of a scythe is at my throat and everyone freezes, even Mikey. The girl on the other end of the blade scowls. "Listen up. As you've probably noticed, the sarcastic bitch holding a blade to your brothers throat, is hostile. I am also 25% bored, 25% annoyed, 25% angry, and 25% cynical. So answer me, and answer me truthfully. Who are you, and what is your relation to April?" She presses the blade a bit harder, her purple eyes starting to glow, the ends of the bandage on her right eye fluttering loosely in the wind. "We're just friends of Aprils, we patrol the city every night looking for any sign of the Kraang, Foot Clan or Purple dragons!" I spill. The girls bangs cover her eyes and she chuckles ominiously. "So. April's got secrets." She walks towards April, and April shies away. But she just... smiles. "Big deal. I've got secrets too!"

A/N: Hey, so that was my first chapter! I hoped you liked it and if you want, comment or leave suggestions! Thanks! I'm sorry if the next chapter takes forever though!

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2015 ⏰

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