bumped into me

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(TYSM FOR THIS ^^ YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!! ❤️❤️.. also, this is probably gonna be the last chapter :))

(one month later.)      (sorry.)

it had been a month since bruce and vance had gotten together. they went out for real date with each other. bruce told his dad they were dating, he got a long lecture about it but in the end he accepted the two, and accepted the fact that vance would always be around.

right now they were hanging out in vances room, when it was really clean. he had rock band posters hung on his walls and a wide collection of CDs and mixtapes on shelfs. his room was quite nice when it wasn't thrown everywhere, along with the touch of blood.

"so, bruce. i just wanted to ask, if you want to come see a movie at nine tonight?" vance asked bruce, looking up from his desk towards him.
"yeah! what movie did you want to see?" bruce asked him, looking at him with pure love.
"it's called where the crawdad's sing, it just came out yesterday, the trailer seemed pretty good" bruce agreed to the movie after seeing the trailer and left to go back home. it was still two hours before the movie started so vance would have lots of time to get ready.

he took a quick shower and then spent 35 minutes doing his hair. vance put on his best outfit, which was just jeans, a plain white shirt and his jean jacket, then he headed downstairs.
"hey vance! where you headed?" his dad asked, looking up from the game and towards vance.
"i'm going out to the movies with bruce, i'll be home at like 11:30 maybe." vance told him.
"alright, be safe" his dad said, turning back around to his game.

"what were you saying? taking bruce where?" his mom asked, walking out of the kitchem
"going to watch a movie with bruce"
"ah, nice? which movie? when will you be home?" his mom interrogated him.
"where the crawdads sing, and probably like 11:30." vance told her kindly.
"okay, have fun and be safe!" erik waved him out of the house. vance nodded and waved, and exitted the house.

when bruce got back to his house, he was met with his mother and father at the door.
"hey bruce, you didn't tell us you left. we thought something that happened to you!" his mom exlaimed.
"what? i left a note on my desk?" you guys were still sleeping when i left." bruce told them, giving them a confused look.
"well we did not inspect your room, bruce. next time just wake us up. where were you?" his dad asked him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"vances house, i got to go and get ready, we're going to see a movie later" bruce told them. his dad sighed, still not completly liking the idea of vance. however, they nodded and left the room, going into the living room. bruce walked up to his room, and took a shower and changed into some simple clothes. he wasn't sure whether he should be dressing casually or  slightly better than casual. but it was just a movie theatre, and it was vance he was goung with, and bruce had never seen him in anything formal. so he just put on a simple outfit. he knew vance would be picking him up in an hour, so he went downstairs and sat on the front porch, bringing his favourite book with him.

bruce happily looked up from his book, dropping it down on the table as he saw vance walking up to his house.
"hey bruce! ready?" vance asked him, to which bruce nodded and walked off his porch. hand in hand, they made their way down to the cinemas.

when they got their, vance went and payed for the tickets and got them both a large popcorn and sprite.
"alright, to the left and door A2" the cashier told him. vance nodded and took him and bruce to the door.

they sat down in the second top row, watching the previews before the movie.
"hey, bruce?" vance asked, looking over at him.

"yeah?" bruce asked him, looking away from the screen.

"i love you" vance told him.

bruce smiled, "i love you too, vance".

*looney tunes ending plays*
thats all folks!

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