
818 29 55

[Temple, Iraq. Thursday,
May 30, 2003.]

𝟷𝟿:𝟹𝟻 𝙷𝚁𝚂
𝙳𝙴𝙿𝚃𝙷: 𝟷𝟼𝟸 𝙵𝚃.

Lieutenant Colonel King, wracked with guilt, loomed over the chasm. "Rachel!" He called out for his significant other, hoping that she would reply but was met with silence. He leaned closer, heaving a deep sigh. He tried to stop the tears that threatened to spill down his cheeks as his lip quivered, but a soft sob broke through his chest as he balled his fists together. "I messed up, Rach. I'm so sorry," he profusely apologized. "For this, for everything. God!" He cursed.

Jason Kolchek and Nicolas Kay, on the other hand, were in the process of dragging Nathan Merwin to Eric's current position where Y/n L/n was leisurely following the trio "Should've left me... I'd have killed 'em all." Merwin scolds the others with him.

"I don't doubt it, Corporal. But right now, we stay tight." Jason retorted, raising his gun past Y/n in case the monsters were still pursuing them.

"You're not a brigade, Merwin," Y/n decided to level with her colleague as opposed to feeding his ego. "We don't know a whole lot about those things. Jason and I didn't want to take the risk of losing you for nothing." She crossed her arms over her chest, trying her best to speak of the lieutenant in a pleasant tone as Nick sets him on a wall.

"Colonel? Is that you?" Nick looks over to the side, rushing over to his higher-up and helping him to his feet. "What happened to Rachel?" The sergeant was quick to question the whereabouts surrounding Eric's wife.

"We... we were ambushed by the enemy..." Eric croaked. "He opened fire on us and... Rach... she fell," he was able to continue with his story. "I held on... as hard as I could, I swear, but... she was taking me down with her. I had to. I had to cut the ropes." Eric said through sobs.

Reluctant to accept the truth of the possibility of her dying, Nick stepped closer to the chasm, "Rachel!" He called out.

"They're coming for us," Merwin weakly looked up, his gaze shifting between Y/n and Jason as he pursed his lips together. "They're coming!" He repeated himself, louder.

"We gotta move," Jason advises, shifting his body to talk with the grieving boys. "Colonel, we're sitting ducks, we need to fall back now." He added.

To give one of the boys a break, Y/n took the next shift of assisting Merwin to his feet whilst Jason took the other side of the corporal. Eric was hesitant to advance to another position, turning around to face the chasm one last time before joining with the rest of the group.

Soon, the gathering returns to the temple. "Slow down," Eric harshly whispers as he held onto his gun. "He could still be here." He said, bitterly whilst Jason returned to Nick's side and left the responsibility of setting down Merwin to Y/n.

"Right now, colonel, the Iraqis are the least of our problems." Jason averted his gaze and carefully searched through the temple for the creatures. "They're not following," The southern man notes, intrigued as to why they changed their minds. "This is Mailman Two-One Actual to all call signs. How copy? Over," Jason tried to contact the others on the radio. "Joey, report in! Over."

"Joey's dead."

At the abrupt statement, Y/n felt herself freeze where she stood. All things considered, it was kind of strange how ordinarily this entire situation had started. It was a lazy Thursday — she knew she had an irking feeling, something telling her that the day felt off but she would never expect this. Joey dying? It cannot be, it was impossible... she was just talking with him on the helicopter, he was joking around with Merwin as per usual to ease the tension.

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