
711 26 15

[Temple, Iraq. Thursday,
May 30, 2003.]

𝟷𝟿:𝟻𝟻 𝙷𝚁𝚂
𝙳𝙴𝙿𝚃𝙷: 𝟷𝟻𝟶 𝙵𝚃.

Salim Othman, carefully, set up a wooden platform to climb to the stairs only to have it snap into two, falling into the cavern below. "Oh, for God's sake!" He cursed in his native tongue. "I should have said 'No! You fight your own damn war'. There has to be some other way out of here... there has to be!" He complains about the mission before trying to look around for a way out.

As he looks around, the creature's fingers can be seen twitching. Examining the ruins, Salim stumbles upon Dar's wallet. "Dar..." he trails off, wondering where his boss was, but found himself surprised, never knowing that Dar has a wife.

Approaching the truck, that crushed the monster that was perusing him, he removed parts of the debris to examine the body of the creature. Salon then pulled up on the plank of wood that covered its head. He was able to stare at the strange terror for a moment before it sprung up to attack him once again as it tries to crawl out of the truck.

Running away, Salim leapt across the chasm and hang on the stairs, before climbing it. He then lay on the top of the stairs and saw the creature in hot pursuit as it was still at the bottom of the flight of stairs.

Pulling out the pistol that he found previously, Salim shoots at the creature but proves no use as it only had three bullets left. Grunting, Salim threw the weapon at the monster and then tries to climb a rock which is being shined by sunlight through a hole.

As Salim climbs it, he is promptly grabbed by the creature who tries to drag him by his leg. Straining against the monster's strength, he manages to climb the rock higher, causing the creature's hand to hit the sunlight and ignite, causing it to scream and allowing Salim to discover the creature's weakness.

He watches as the monster backs away and, taking his chances, he slides down from the rock and runs from the creature to jump down onto the lower part of the ruins.

Now in the lower area, Salim notices a broken metal stake from the truck and attempts to grab it. "Yes! Let's see what you're made out of!" He shouts just as he succeeds in tearing the piece from the vehicle before confronting the creature.

They circled each other but, when acknowledging that the human would not make the first move, the creature moves to pounce on Salim who impales its heart. The monster strained against the piece of metal lodged inside of it, clawing at it in a desperate attempt but it was futile as it eventually died.

Its body went limp as it fell to the side, prompting Salim to pull the stake out from its body for safekeeping. He didn't have a moment to relax when he suddenly heard a radio noise.

"The Americans." Salim realizes but is tired of having to fight for his life against an unknown and unrecognizable force. Not wanting to deal with any more conflict, Salim hunches over and quietly escapes from the Americans. The Marines, on the other hand, explore the temple ruins before continuously hearing clicking noises.

One of them is then knocked by the creature swiftly, accidentally injuring another marine's leg from his trigger-happy demeanour. "Over there!" The healthy marine calls out and, before he even knows it, is grabbed by the creature before being dropped to death. As the injured marine tries to crawl to safety, the creature looms above him, before killing him.

Salim, unbeknownst of what was to become of the enemy, drops down from a hole and searches through the caverns. Along the way, he found an artefact of some sort. "This hole, it must be for the sun but there's something missing from it..." he speculates.

At the end of the passageway, Salim's celebration of escaping is put to a halt when he spots another one of those blasted creatures. Backing away, he decides to avoid it and — hopefully — wait it out.

𝟷𝟿:𝟻𝟽 𝙷𝚁𝚂
𝙳𝙴𝙿𝚃𝙷: 𝟷𝟻𝟹 𝙵𝚃.

After walking down the corridor and back into the sand caverns, Nicolas Kay, Jason Kolchek, and Y/n L/n investigate the tunnel in search of José Gomez. "You still hear him?" Nick referred to their lost comrade to which the h/c-haired girl hastily shook her head.

"This is Mailman Two-One Actual. Joey, do you hear me? How copy? Over." Jason sought a discussion with Joey over the radio but his efforts were fruitless. Nick, on the other hand, rounds the corner with Y/n to find Joey's helmet, earpiece, and shattered glasses.

"It's Joey's."

"He's in bad shape," Jason gestured to the trail of blood next to the supplies. "We gotta move fast."

"It's fresh," Y/n added and looked away to prevent herself from grimacing at the sight. This is such a strange predicament. "This must have been the place he was when we heard him wailing..." she hypothesizes.

Following further along the tunnel, Nick finds a hole. "How deep is this damn hole?" He comments just as Y/n nearly gasped at how deep it went. "That's solid fucking rock! You think these things got through it?" He huffed at the idea. What are they?...

"I don't really want to stick around and find out." Jason retorted and kept his eyes on their surroundings whilst the pair examined the pit.

On the way, the trio walk through an open place but — after looking to the side — they all harmoniously stopped upon seeing a puddle of blood. It was unorthodox. Unheard of. It was just so much... Y/n shook her head at the sight and, based on how much vital fluid was on the ground, she was sure that Joey doesn't have a long time before he is dead.

"He's hit bad. That much we can be sure of." Jason couldn't help but let out a small sigh, his optimism slightly faltering. "Something really fucking nasty went down here." Nick shared his opinion.

Moments later, the group overheard Joey's grunts and groans but it sounded almost as if he was right beside them all. His sounds seemed to never cease.

Everyone then passes through a dark tunnel, which after entering, a shadow walks past and goes unnoticed. At the end of the tunnel, Nick finds a medkit. He immediately stores it in his backpack since a medical kit is almost always helpful.

Once in another open area, the trio see a hobbling figure passing in the distance who seemed to have difficulty picking up their feet. "Joey, that you?" Nick calls out to the stranger. The figure disappears from their point of view and goes quiet. "Slow it down," the Sergeant told the others. "Something ain't right here."

He then slowly walks to the wall and spots Captain Dar waiting for them, his gun peeking out from the top of the large rocks. And, upon seeing the Americans, Dar begins to shoot at them.

Returning fire, Nick was successfully able to hit Dar, injuring him. "Oh, shit!" Nick curses, running away and abandoning his colleagues to take cover behind a pillar as a firefight then ensues. Jason and Y/n, almost in sync, slide to safety.

At some point of time during their fight, Dar throws a grenade next to Nick. "Grenade!" The sergeant yells before escaping into the tunnel behind him, but during the explosion, the passage is blocked.

"Damn it... fucking oorah." He whined and took the time to mock Lieutenant Kolchek in the process. "This is Mailman Three to Mailman Two-One Actual! Come in, Lieutenant. Over," Nick tries to contact the others on the radio but fails. "This is Mailman Three to Mailman Two-One Actual! Come in, Lieutenant. Over." He repeats himself.

He hears clicking sounds behind him and Nick whips around instantly, raises his gun and hesitantly advances through the passageway where he finds himself in a big area at the end of it all.


this part from 'romantic homicide' by d4vd reminds me of joey and y/n's friendship / his crush on her:
- "... and i'm sick of waiting patiently for someone that won't even arrive..."

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