
752 26 25

[Temple, Iraq. Thursday,
May 30, 2003.]

𝟸𝟶:𝟷𝟸 𝙷𝚁𝚂
𝙳𝙴𝙿𝚃𝙷: 𝟷𝟻𝟾 𝙵𝚃.

Nicolas Kay is on edge, especially after narrowly escaping from a grenade and is now separated from both Jason Kolchek and Y/n L/n. Rounding a corner, he hesitantly lowered his weapon and his anxiousness seemed to double when hearing that the noises were close to him, almost as if the creature was trying to find clarify whether or not it is truly alone.

Nick's eyebrows furrowed as he stood behind a wall, intently listening to the strange sounds that emitted from the monster.

Before he had time to progress relatively any information, Salim Othman sneaks behind the American and covers Nick's mouth.

The man was quick to shush Sergeant Kay and, after quickly peering around the corner, uttered, "Over there, there's a demon..." Salim's heavy accent laced around his words when he shifted to English to properly communicate with his enemy. The two watch as the creature crawled over to a corpse of an Iraqi soldier and began feasting upon it.

"We can get through this... but only together," Salim continued quietly and tried his best to appease Nick's better nature. "They react to sounds, like bats. They hear you, they hunt you... but I've seen their weakness. They burn in sunlight. Like any living being, they can be killed. A stake through the heart," his gaze then shifts to the weapon in Nick's hands. "Your bullets will only slow them down. Even a truck falling on them just makes them angry. We do this together, okay?"

Salim slowly released his grip on Nick who turned around to properly get himself acquainted with his newfound ally face-to-face. Having told all the information, "We can kill it. You move into a flanking position and get its attention. I'll do the rest." Salim points in the direction where the American could go to follow through with the orders.

"I'm ready. Let's do it." Nick complied.

The men begin to carefully walk around the creature while it devours the corpse of an Iraqi soldier. Nick managed to watch his footing, all the while lifting his hefty firearm, and moved around quickly yet secretively to not alert the creature that is not alone. When he got into position, Nick waited for Salim who crawled up to a higher vantage point with his metal stake in hand before carefully leaping a few feet away from the monster in front of him.

Upon seeing Nick, Salim nodded to him as a gesture to make the first move.

Raising his gun, Nick didn't waste another moment and began to fire away at the beast. In response to the sudden attack, the animal was temporarily disoriented but this state didn't last long as it hissed and groaned, whipping around and facing Nick's direction before letting out a shriek that was filled with bitterness.

Before it had the chance to attack the American, Salim made quick work and stabbed it with the broken piece of metal, causing the creature to writhe in pain. Wanting to assist his ally rather than risking injuring him, Nick hurried to Salim's side and grabbed ahold of the makeshift stake and finished off the creature.

After seeing its life leave its body, Salim yanked his weapon out from the corpse as he and Nick stepped away from the monster.

"I've seen ugly in my life but never that ugly." Nick's face contorted at the sight of the beast's features, grimacing. "What the fuck are we up against? Those things are everywhere!" He asked, rhetorically, and watched as Salim crouched down and attempted to catch his breath.

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