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[Temple, Iraq. Friday,
May 31, 2003.]

𝟶𝟶:𝟶𝟶 𝙷𝚁𝚂
𝙳𝙴𝙿𝚃𝙷: 𝟷𝟺𝟺 𝙵𝚃.

When safely back in the temple, Jason Kolchek, Nicolas Kay, Nathan Merwin, and Y/n L/n worked on closing the doors while Eric King searches the main hall looking for Iraqis. "I don't see any Iraqis," Nick speaks up on the behalf of Salim, straining against the wooden frame of the hefty doors.

"If they've got any sense, they'll stay back," Jason replied. "Shit's about to get real in here!"

"Wait!" A feminine voice shouts, stopping the group's advances to close and seal the entrance. "Rachel?..." Nick peeks in the crack to see the CIA Field Officer rushing over to the opening while trying to stabilize Clarice by carrying her.

"Rachel?" Eric repeated, stopping in his tracks as he whipped his head around to see his wife enter the palace. When inside, Rachel almost immediately let go of Clarice Stokes' arm which prompted the doctor to fall to the floor, cradling herself in an almost fetal-like position. Y/n, after sharing a knowing look at Jason, frowns when noticing that Clarice's complexion — much like Joey's — was becoming a pale grey and her eyes were beginning to gloss over. 

Rachel tries to catch her breath as Merwin and Y/n manage to close the doors before Jason blocks the entrance with a board to prevent them from being opened. "You're alive?" Nick couldn't believe his eyes.

"Have any doubt, marine?" Rachel says with a smirk before embracing her lover. Jason, hesitantly, kneels to comfort the dishevelled Clarice and rests a hand on her shoulder. "I saw those things take you..." he says, rightfully freaked out.

"Yeah, I did too!" Merwin beamed from ear to ear, interrupting the sentimental moment to include himself in the conversation. Y/n, however, looked up and watched while Eric looks on in displeasure as Rachel and Nick have not separated yet. His jealousy was becoming more prominent. They were still hugging.

"Where's Eric?" His wife finally asks and pulls away from the hug. Not saying another word, Nick simply looks over her shoulder as a nonverbal gesture. Rachel gets the hint and spins her body around, finally coming face to face with her disappointed husband. Uncomfortable, Nick crossed his arms over his broad chest and avoids eye contact with the fuming blond.

"Rache..." Eric came up and hugged his significant other, though she seemed hesitant to reciprocate his actions. Nick, watching the two, became visibly upset as he scrunched his nose in disgust. "I'm so sorry..." he apologized when he cut the rope as he pulled away.

"You followed climbing protocol," Rachel replied, restrained and cold. "You had no other choice but to cut the rope. We don't need to discuss it." She dismissed any anxieties Eric may feel.

"We both would have died... you have to understand that."

Nick cleared his throat, interrupting the tender moment with a sour expression. "We good?" He sighed, annoyed.

Eric paused, taking a moment to glare and judge Sergeant Kay's behaviour before asking, "It's him, isn't it?" The blond said quietly. "I understand you're not the brightest, Nick, but even you must know what I'm talking about," while he was genuinely thrilled to see that his wife was alive, a topic provide itself to be a great inconvenience. "You've been fucking him, haven't you?" He rose his voice when questioning his wife's loyalty. She didn't respond.

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