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[Temple, Iraq. Friday,
May 31, 2003.]

𝟶𝟶:𝟷𝟽 𝙷𝚁𝚂
𝙳𝙴𝙿𝚃𝙷: 𝟷𝟺𝟺 𝙵𝚃.

In their grand escape from the pursuing vampires, the group which consisted of Rachel King, Jason Kolchek, Y/n L/n, the sickly Clarice Stokes, Nick Kay, and Nathan Merwin neared the mined corridor. "Keep to the middle!" Lieutenant Kolchek ordered the group, reminding Y/n in the process that they had placed the mines on the sides for maximum coverage.

As they passed through the catacombs, Nick stayed behind in the room and stood in the doorway to watch a group of vampires trigger the tripwire, blowing themselves up. It didn't kill them but it surely discombobulated them. After the explosion though, a landslide begins, which partially fills the corridor, Nick took this as a sign to back away and regroup with the rest of his surviving colleagues who managed to escape.

𝟶𝟶:𝟸𝟷 𝙷𝚁𝚂
𝙳𝙴𝙿𝚃𝙷: 𝟹𝟺𝟾 𝙵𝚃.

The Americans enter the room outside the sacrificial chamber. None of them said a word, only looking around the darkness of the room half-expecting another herd of vampires to be waiting for them. Afraid, Y/n hunkered down and stepped closer to Jason — her back pressing up against his side. He didn't move away from her touch but, instead, almost relaxed. In the stillness of the area, Nick coughed but was quickly silenced by Jason who shushed him, "Listen." The Southern man advised. "Can you hear them?" He asked, rhetorically. "Blast must have cut us off. We should keep moving." He added and walked off, past Clarice who leaned against a pillar as some sort of leverage for her weakening form.

Moving into the sacrificial chamber, which just so happened to be more lit than the previous room they were in, stood Salim and Dar. Waiting to reign fire on their common enemy. Nick was the first to enter and not a second later, Captain Dar moved from out of his hiding position, "Drop your weapon!" He spoke in his native tongue. Nick raised his gun to shoot the Iraqi, only to have Salim point his weapon at the American in return. "In English." He commanded his comrade.

"Hello again." Salim greeted Nick in English. "My friend is not happy." He tried to explain.

"Yeah, I can see that." Nick rolled his eyes but remained in his current position. He has survived against the perils of the natural foundation of the cave, mines, Iraqi soldiers, and vampires but there was no way that Nick was going to go out by a simple bullet wound from someone who he assumed he could trust. However, it was painstakingly obvious that the two men holding him at gunpoint believed that he was the sole survivor of the group. Perhaps he could use this small detail to his advantage.

"What happened up there?" Salim's eyebrows furrowed, immediately wanting answers for the explosion earlier. Nick didn't answer and instead watched as Rachel King moved into the room, compromising her position, as she raised her gun at him. Dar moved his weapon off Nick and instead focused it on the woman. "Don't move!" The Captain yelled.

"Your friend is a little too jumpy for my liking. It's making me nervous." Nick said in a monotone voice. "Lowering your weapon might... help alleviate some of the tension." Salim tried to persuade the Americans to do their bidding.

"A bullet in his head if he doesn't do as we say!" Instructed Dar, raising his voice. "That would be a very bad idea," Rachel advised, switching to Arabic to converse with the Captain.

"You're in no position to be arguing." Dar shook his head at her arrogance. After he said this, Jason made it clear that he was now standing behind the older man. Eric, standing behind Rachel, points his gun at Dar as well whilst Nick and Merwin point theirs at Salim who raises his hands to show that he meant no harm.

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