Chapter 15

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Anticipated sibling reunion

Wen Zhuliu couldn't help but fidget in his seat as Wei Wuxian set up the face chat on the computer. He felt on the borderline between running away full speed and jumping onto the monitor in the anticipation of meeting his long-lost sister.

Meng Yao had managed to get in contact with his sister. Turns out they didn't need a translator as the couple could speak Chinese just fine. They had gained tons of practice and experience from frequently visiting the country and dealing with the fucking Chinese authorities for the past 18 years.

A-Ruo was extremely skeptical as to whether she should trust that the boy they had in their custody was actually their son even though she longed nothing more to embrace her adorable son she had lost all those years ago. They sent her numerous pictures of her son and the DNA test results they received in hopes of proving themselves even a bit trustworthy to her.

Her husband then took over the phone in the stead of his wife who was bawling her tears out. He admitted that the child looked a lot like him, especially during his younger years. However, pictures can easily be photoshopped and he didn't know to what extent he could actually trust them.

It wasn't the first time people had attempted to deceive them and scam them into whatever schemes they came up with. Each time it tore their hearts apart to see either an empty space or an imposter claiming to be their son. Truth be told they weren't getting any younger and they didn't know whether they can handle any more heartbreak than this.

Of course, that didn't mean they had any intention of giving up. They won't ever stop searching for their son until they reunite with him no matter how long it took and no matter how high the cost. Because nothing was worth more than seeing their beloved son once again.

After much excruciating negotiation with the senior, they managed to set up an appointment for a video meeting between them. Nie Huaisang commented how the man's speech manner greatly resembled that of Li Gou before he had been put under the Jiang Family's servitude.

Meng Yao had begged for Wen Zhuliu to be present as it was one of the conditions that the couple gave to agree to the meeting. Honestly, he wanted to refuse but after seeing the pale white face of his nephew lying peacefully in the bed he agreed.

There were so many thoughts swirling inside his head as he waited for the dreaded call.

It's been decades since he last saw her. What did she look like now? Did she look like their ever so gentle kind but sassy mother? Did she look like their strong buff but a funny old man like him? Or was she a mix of both? Either way no doubt she would have grown into an astounding beauty either way.

How had she been doing since she was adopted? Did she eat well? Did she sleep well? Were the family that adopted her kind to her? Did they give her a nice warm loving family like theirs? Did she live nicely in a big wide house with a sturdy roof?

What did she do for a living? Did she receive higher education? In that case what kind of degree did she get? Using that degree what kind of job did she get? He wonders if it has anything related to do with animals considering how much their family loved them so much.

How was her married life with her husband? When did the both of them meet? When did they start dating? When and how did he propose to her? Because if it's anything less than she deserved he would have to go whack the hell out of the guy. Did her new family give him the shovel talk? If they didn't he was prepared to give him one at any time. What kind of wedding did they have? He wonders if they went western or traditional. If it was traditional then surely she must have made one of her bows to her new parents.

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