Chapter 19

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18 years ago...

Yu Ziyuan watched as the world crashed around her when she saw her son draw his last breath. She remembers screaming at the doctors to save his life only for them to shake their heads and tell her how there was nothing more they can do. They had explained to her beforehand how her son's premature birth and genetic defect would not allow him to survive past infancy. In fact, they originally estimated that he wouldn't live past the night, the fact that her son made it for as long as he did was a miracle.

They offered her their condolences before leaving her to grieve and mourn for her now lost glorious future.

"No, it can't be. No, it can't be." She kept lucidly telling her as she held the corpse of her child.

Just before this, she was told she could never have children again. The burdens of childbirth had crippled her beyond repair. She only had this one child to rely on and entrust her entire legacy to. He couldn't possibly die! Yes, he had to stay alive! She already made all these plans that would set him to become a successful and talented CEO of the Yunmeng Jiang Corporation. Not only that he would act as the merger between her maiden family's corporation and the Jiang family corporation creating a glorious business empire that would reign supreme over everything else. He would rebuild, no, create and establish a new legacy that would last for many generations to come.

However, one can never defy the will of the heavens. The fact that her child was gone could not be changed just as now her entire future had gone as soon as it came...

The nurses lend her comforting words in an attempt to relieve the ever-growing sadness that threatened to swallow her whole. But her pride couldn't simply allow being pitied by these disgusting commoners who have nothing better than to do than lick the boots of those higher above them.

The funeral director came by along with a counselor to help her through the grieving and mourning process of losing a loved one. Naturally, she had them kicked out of her room. She screamed at the funeral director to do whatever the goddamn fucking hell he wants! Later her spiders helped settle the papers and fees that would send her child's body over to the Yu family residence and have them carry out a proper burial rite for him. Unfortunately, as she was still recuperating she couldn't attend the funeral and really didn't care to.

One night she snuck out of the hospital bed and was heading to the rooftop to do who knows what at this point. However, on her way, she heard a large siren and shouting noises ringing throughout the hospital. Annoyed she was about to give a piece of her fucking mind until she saw the horrendous bloody bodies coming through one by one rushing to the surgery room. Even though she only caught a glimpse she could tell that these people's lives were barely hanging on a thread and it was most likely that they wouldn't survive.

It was then she heard the loud shrieking cries of an infant crying for its parent.

The pediatrician and nurses were doing their best to calm the crying child who miraculously only had a few scratches here and there while his parents looked like they had been literally crushed alive by something. She heard the paramedics talking something about a landslide and how the man's left arm was most likely a goner at this point. His leg was also busted and depending on how serious it was it would have to be amputated. The woman wasn't in a better condition herself and the probability of them surviving through this ordeal was minimal to none unless some heavenly intervention came down.

The two-month-old infant in their arms would most likely become an orphan when that happens. The hospital would take custody for the meantime while he recuperated here and his parents were still here. However, if they pass away then he would be in the care of child protective services which would contact any living relatives who are willing to take custody of the child. If not well then this child was going straight to the orphanage.

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