21. A Snake's Reunion 🔞

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Aquila lies beneath me, his hot feverish tongue still lapping and tasting mine.

All the while, his smothering blue eyes never stray from my amber ones. I can't read his mind but it feels as though he's afraid to close them.

"Huh...? Why are we on a bed? Where--" he finally realises something isn't right. He swiftly parts from my lips to survey our surroundings, "our bedroom..." His voice trails off. I shiver when his heated eyes return to mine. His carnal hunger and thirst rendered my throat dry. He's a majestic beast in heat and I want him deep inside me--

I kiss his lips once, before straightening up.

Currently, I straddle his hips. Under me, his hardened length pulsates enticingly against my folds through our apparels. I wiggle my hips to adjust my positioning as I trace the profile of his face with my left hand's forefinger. "I'm glad you still want me." My other hand on the pillow, braces beside his right ear. At the same time, his fingers fondly caress my waist before easing down to my thighs, "How can I not? When I am this crazy in love with you. How crazy, you can't possibly know--"

I kiss him again on the lips, before I can draw back, Aquila rolls us over. Sweetly reversing our position while deepening the kiss.

My hands stroking down his lower back as I let his fervently seeking tongue into my mouth.

He cradles my face with one large palm, his other hand uplifting my buttocks as he urgently grinds down his throbbing erection into the apex of my thighs.

It is his instinctual way of letting me know he desires me, swift and hard.

I smile deliriously to this signalling as I cave into his sweet savouring kisses and his lustful administrations.

In the air, our ragged, rapid breathings combining with sounds of slurping and sucking of our hot kisses echo sinfully.

"Haa..gods, I want you so bad, Hydrina, it hurts," Aquila growls as he traces his warm wet lips and tongue down to my chin, jaws and throat. In tune, his hand on my buttocks moves up to knead one of my aching breasts through my dress.

I whimper when he twirls my hardened nipple between his fingers then flicking it. I cry out of pleasure when he bumps and grinds his rigid flesh harder against my sensitised nether body.

"I want you too," I tell him without even a speck of shame, "Hurry my love, come inside me, haah, I want to feel you here." I rub my mount against his bulging shaft to titillate him.

Aquila's corresponding sharp intake of breath sends heightened excitement to my greedy heart and wanton body.

However, it's his expression twisted by raw need and lust that makes me weak in anticipation.

He withdraws from my neck to swiftly straighten up to meekly kneel between my thighs, his hands on them.

Our gazes locked. Sexual tension raging on as my lover's hands slide roughly under my gown. He bunches it over my pelvic stretch. Baring my nakedness like a feast before him. I shiver in delight when his calloused hands caress down toward the moistened juncture of my thighs. Doing so without breaking his hungry eyes off mine. Deftly, the fingers of his left hand trace over the fleshy seam of my slippery folds before the middle finger slips into me.

I moan feeling his thick finger wedging into my wet entrance. At the same time, his thumb press on my nub teasingly as his finger inside starts to twist and twirl. I try not to close my eyes in submission to the pleasurable assaults by his lustful fingering but it's hard...Before I know it, I feel that familiar delightful numbness and crisp feeling spreads from my navel to spine, then permeates to the rest of my nerve points--

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