The News (1845)

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Life had a meaning right?

With her mother behind bars and no one she loved within a 30mile radius - except Lucky of course - life didn't seem to have the same meaning as before though.

Nowadays, she spent her nights patrolling - spent her days working and sleeping - running around trying to get on track with all the unfinished business her mom left behind.

Her mother's secretary did a lot of the work - the one that always said Kate was too incompetent to work in such a big company - now barely coming behind schedule because Kate was working 16 hours a day.

That poor woman even got a payment raise just because she insisted on staying by Kate’s side even though she could go home.

And the woman literally told Kate to take a day off the second she found the archer passed out in those gigantic chairs vast asleep in her 5 minutes break.

Which was actually a 30 minutes break but give it to Kate to cut off her time to relax just to get work done.

And yes. That woman - the one that never told anyone to take a break. The stone-cold muse.

What made Kate special? Why was everyone suddenly starting to pity her? Treat her like a child? She was a grown ass adult. Maybe not as old as one but she could still manage.

'I love you' ringed in her head.

'I'm sorry mom. I love you.' it wouldn't go away.

'I'm ok Clint. I love you.' stop!

'I'm gonna miss having you around. Love you-' FUCK. Shut the fuck up - brain. Stop. Stop reminding her of the things she craved but never got to keep! Stop reminding her of the people she held onto for dear life, who didn't want her back. Just stop thinking. Stop feeling so miserable! So numb and powerless and empty!

So she sat there on the desk - pen in her hand and a tablet underneath - scratching payment after payment - design after design - commission after commission - day after day after day...

She's got a good schedule - everything planned and organized one might say - baffled over the amount of chaos that laid on Kate's desk - in her mother's office - in her office.

The Barton's would call every day. Sometimes it was for a short time sometimes it was for hours.

Cooper would brable and fangirl with her over literally anything they had in common - which was most things.

Lila would complain about how life was so boring without a cool big sister.

Nate would just try to get Lucky's attention.

Laura would scold her on taking breaks and taking time off. Not everyone survived being beaten up by Fisk and walking away with some cool ass scars. Kate just smiled and nodded.

They both know that isn't going to happen.
They both repeated the process every day.

She didn't tell her about how she didn't really know how to cook, or how she stopped taking her medication, stopped drinking tea and replaced it with coffee.

Clint seemed to like her too. He obviously made more time for his kids and of course he would - it was the Hawkeye - he loved his kids.

But everything nice has to come to an end eventually.

Cooper and her would only text every day.

Lila would call once a week.

Laura continued calling every day just to make Kate go to sleep or eat.

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