Yoshino 2

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The bridge collapsed with a roar, sending debris flying everywhere.
The Spirit below seemed anguished, but there was no stopping the large mass affected by gravity. Or so Ryouko thought.

A soft bang! echoed through the area, barely audible over the falling rock.
Ryouko thought she had imagined it, but what she saw next drove all those thoughts out of her head.

The bridge, which was about to crush the Spirit, had stopped.
It had simply ceased all movement in the middle of the air. Even the rubble around it had frozen.
Then, accompanied by an intense creaking sound, it all started returning to its original position, as if time was rewinding.

She looked on as all the broken parts reformed and twisted back into their normal positions, molding together like liquid. Finally, the newly reformed bridge appeared, without a scratch to be seen.

"Huh?!" Ryouko's eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets. Where did their hard work go?
The Spirit of Ice under the bridge had put up a large barrier around her. They probably wouldn't be able to get through that easily. Luckily, she probably wouldn't be going after them if they left her alone. The first priority was figuring out how the bridge had restored itself and dealing with that.

Ryouko quickly got the answer. From the direction that the sound had come from flew a purple form that quickly got bigger and bigger.
It was a purple haired Spirit, Princess.

Unlike the normal Princess, the spirit waves coming off of her seemed weaker than usual, which seemed to be confirmed by the seemingly fractured Astral Dress on her body. It only partially covered her, showing off what seemed like a school uniform underneath.

"Crap, why is Princess here?!" She was probably the one who had caused the bridge to reform. But how? They hadn't seen any powers like that when she had appeared before. She hadn't caused a spacequake, either. Dammit, there's no time! She would've loved to ponder for a few more minutes, but they didn't have forever. Hermit might run away if they were too slow.

"Everybody, after Princess! She may be weakened, so it'll be an easier catch!"

"Tohka." Origami had floated up and was currently glaring at the second Spirit in the sky. "What are you doing here?"
Unexpectedly, she recieved a response.

"You tried to drop a bridge on her! Why wouldn't I be here?! My ice cream is at stake, you know?!"
Upon delivering that incomprehensible line, she quickly sped towards Origami and slashed with Sandalphon.

While her powers were limited, they still were high compared to a wizard. Origami managed to block it without too much trouble, but she could feel her territory creaking.
She attempted to lunge forward with No Pain thrust out, but Tohka had already retreated beyond the reach of the attack. Any attempts to pursue were met with her simply retreating. She was starting to struggle, though. Her sealed powers weren't quite up to par with a dozen of the AST elite members. However, she didn't seem to lose confidence. She just kept up the cycle of attack, retreat, attack, retreat. Almost as if she was distracting them.


Some time before...

Shido and Tohka had been dropped off by the Fraxinus. He had already discussed the plan with Tohka. All that was left, was to execute it.


Tohka had changed into her Limited Astral Dress, lying in wait for the signal to distract the AST.
Shido could see the faint form of the bridge collapsing in the distance. He feigned a cry of shock. "Yoshinon!"
Suddenly, the bridge stopped moving. It slowly moved back upwards and fixed itself, leaving Shido with a shocked expression on his face.

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