Chapter 5- She knows

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Narrator POV:

"Quickshadow?" Heatwave saw his bonded. "And Shift!" Quickshadow said as Shift came out from behind her. "Hi, sire!" Shift greeted. "We heard Chase and the human you and carrier call 'Cody', saying you weren't doing too good." Shift said. "We wanted to come over here during our visit and make sure you were alright." Quickshadow added. Heatwave looked at the two with a slight smile, happy that the family that he had built was worried about him. "I'm doing fine... Just miss ...'her'..." Heatwace stated, knowing his daughter and wife knew exactly who he was talking about. "Just making sure you're okay." Quickshadow said, knowing full and well that sentence was only half true.

"I know, we should catch up!" Heatwave said, changing the subject. Quickshadow looked at him with that 'really?' look. Heatwave just starred back. 'She knows. There's no way I can hide it from her.' He thought. 'But Shift's the one I should really worry about...'

Heatwave watched Shift walk away, to the living room.


Shift POV:

Sire wasn't acting like he normally did. Why was Lyla bothering her? It's been decades since it happened. I wish I got to meet her, but she died long before I was sparked... I know that mom knew dad was not okay. I saw her give him that 'knowing' look. Carrier's smart!
But so am I. Dad can't trick me and say he's okay. That's the oldest trick in the book of lying. Trust me, I know. I haven't ever said that to my creators though, because I know that I can tell them anything, they aren't rude and they will protect me no matter what. But I have been around so many bots that say they're okay, when, really, they're not. I know a lot of empaths. Carrier, Blades, Boulder, Cody, Graham, even myself. Nobody can hide their emotions from me. If they do try, and they're actually in a very bad state, I'll make sure to talk with them later, just to try and help.

But now I'm having that same problem with my own father. I've literally called him the king of keeping secrets. He doesn't want anyone involved with him being emotionally unstable. I'm going to find a way to help him. To help my

Why did you leave me in this cold, gray mental state?

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