Oh she Can't see

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    Rachel could feel the depth of the silence she created. It reverberated through out the whole classroom. She didn't appreciate it. Now all eye's were on her, watching, judging, taunting. Even the teacher took a step back to observe this profound student.

     Rachel wondered to herself as they all stared why she had to attract this much attention which she had been so much planning to avoid from the start. She new she'd have to face it being new and all but she had hoped to avoid it. Such attention,
if anything is nothing but disastrous. It wasn't entirely her fault either. Ever since she was young she had this inexplicably aura that made even the richest of the richest and the poorest of the poorest turn. It was something her father was most proud of and something she'd most detested since she was born.

     Just then the door opened and then slammed shot, waking anyone who was lost in their own reverie. Without looking Rachel could already tell who that was

        Getting out of her state of shock, the teacher finally regained her posture and gestured to the students.

   "It appears that we have a new student... Right" she looked at Raven "would you like to introduce yourself"

Damian who had already found his way to his seat now watched the new girl intently. His gaze never left her. Damian continued to stare realizing that the new girl was quite short, at least now she'd have to look up when speaking to him. He smirked at that idea.

   The class chattered among themselves about the new girl wandering if she was dumb. She had not said a word up till now.

   Seeing this the teacher felt that the girl must be shy and tried to give her some words of encouragement.

    In a whisper the teacher consoled her "it's okay if your feeling a little nervous,....", Rachel however as quick to correct her

     "It's not that I'm nervous or shy it's just that everyone is making so much noise that I can barely hear anything"

    It was like a bomb was thrown. The whole class immediately shut up, it was true that she had spoken in a mild tone but everyone had still heard her.

    The class was so quiet that you could hear a pencil drop from the back. The teacher was once again suprised. Damian was even more curious, this girl looked so weak and humble yet she was able to emit such a strong aura that silenced a place filled with noisy teenagers.

      Now everyone waited in anticipation for the new girl to speak

   "Good morning everyone, my name is Rachel Roth and I'm your new classmate, that's all", then she bowed.

     Once again the class had no reaction the silence remained.

       Turning to the teacher she asked in a humble manner "could you  direct me to my seat please"

   "Sure", smiling the teacher pointed were she would be seating. Still having trouble spotting it, Raven turned to the teacher for help again.

   Thinking Rachel just couldn't see it, she told her new seatmate to stand up.

    Rachel followed the sound of a pushed chair. Thinking she was at least close, she felt for a table.

   As she walked the students murmured marking her strange by the minute.

     Feeling the table then chair Raven sat down immediately. The mumurs increased

   "Is she crazy"
"Don't you think that's strange"

"Oh she's gonna get it now"

"New girls got spunk"
"Is she trying to cozy up to our school prince!?, That bitch"

    Crazy?, Trouble?, Prince?. Rachel wondered what they all meant by that. What exactly had she done. She soon realized that after she heard a deep, husky angry voice.

     "You sure do like sitting on my things, would you like to sleep on them as well"

   Rachel immediately stood up embarrassed "sorry I didn't see you there"

     "That seems to be your excuse for everything what are you blind!?"


    Without waiting for him to continue Rachel carefully parted her bangs, and everyone gasped in shock.




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