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     "Hey new girl, who did you think you are!?"

        Rachel closed her eyes and tried to imagine it. She could practically see it now, three girls, one Burnett, a possible black, a definite blonde. Since they seemed to exist in every corner of the world.

           She could feel them, the obvious jealousy, anger, delusion and inferiority complex. They were definitely one of those popular cliches that believed they were the hottest thing before mini skirts. Ignorant fools more like.

             Rachel had met many people like them before, there was nothing to it, they were just a bunch of air heads that believed they were at the high peak of society and so much hotter than barbie. Such girls considered themselves superior to everyone on planet earth. Intelligent people like Rachel, found this kind of people irritating and a health hazard to society and because of that she never seems to run away from them. So called popular girls always stuck to intelligent girls like glue. It got worse if you happened to be pretty and Rachel was both.

       Opening her eyes, Rachel tried not to sound annoyed or rude by asking

    "I'm sorry do I know you?"

The girls where taken aback. Not expecting to hear that question, they felt like they were ought to be known. Classic celebrity syndrome. Give them a few cheers and they think their famous Broadway stars.

        "We're the Winter Bows", said the girl who Rachel considered to be the blonde.


    "Why do you guys call yourselves the winter bows when it's the middle of spring". Always note, simple obvious facts beat dumb girls everytime. Try it. It's kinda fun, especially when you say it to their face

Again the barbie girls couldn't make a good comeback. Rachel almost felt bad for them, but her joy of watching them make fool of themselves got in the way of her remorse. Not that she had any.

     Seemingly offended the blonde girl attacked "and what do you no about fashion"

    Rachel just tilted her head and replied

      "Not much, but I do know that fashion is current and not a few seasons behind"

   Now this got everyone's attention and before she knew it she was surrounded. They were all watching, but she didn't even notice them, no, her eyes where on the prize. The big dirty blonde was going down. Rachel was going to make sure of that

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