mia pov chapter 9

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Tip tie too open her window climbs out walks to his house ding dong opens it come in mia you look tired I am said kakashi why so late no reason you can sleep in the guest bed said kakashi thank you once again said mia walks upstairs to the guest bed climb in the bed finally I can sleep said kakashi falls on his bed close his eyes why can't I sleep said mia gets up walk to his bed kakashi mm can I sleep in your bed gets up mia sorry I just can't sleep fine climb in is this better said kakashi yes said mia zzz. In the night why am I even worrying turns his head she is so peaceful when she sleeps kakashi yes mia why aren't you a sleep turns his towards mia do you want me to sleep just go to bed said mia laugh really shivers pulls her closer is this better yes has the both sleep.

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