A disastrous plan fails worse than thought

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Inside the building many ponies walk in, Sprout with the cart being one of them. A filly trots by him and he aggressively says, "Hey, watch it! " the filly just keeps going though.

Right next to them in a conveyor belt with a mint green pony in front, welcoming everypony who enters. "Welcome, everypony. Got any questions about Canterlogic factory? Happy to answer them." A colt took a balloon that was near it and ran off, showing other workers at the conveyor belt.

A mare asks, "Oh yeah. Where are the free smoothies?" The conversation continues as a white box with a hot pink logo on it is grabbed by a machine and picked up. It's placed in a moving container while more boxes keep going everywhere.

Sprout unhitched the cart once he was next to Hitch, who was surveying the factory. He sighs happily and says, "You know what, Sprout? I think I finally got through to Sunny." Sprout gives an unconvinced look as the lights turn off.

Up at the stage the lights are magenta as the announcer begins the show. "It's the moments you've all been waiting for. As the founder of Canterlogic she's been keeping us safe and stylish for the last 20 moons." As he talks more ponies head towards the stage area, excitedly talking amongst themselves.

"Please go wild for then one and only Phyllis Cloverleaf!" Phyllis walks onto stage as the lights create the Canterlogic logo behind her, everyone applauding.

"Thank you. Thank you. How are you? Thank you so much." She greets the audience with a slight chuckle in her voice. "We here at Canterlogic are so thrilled to create perfect products that protect ponies like you, " she softly addresses before harshly continuing, "from ponies like that."

She points to two signs, both of which show earth ponies being attacked by pegasi and unicorns. This causes everyone to boo.

"And like I always say," she continues once they quiet down, "to be scared is~" she trails off for them to finish. "To be prepared!" The crowd answers. "Oh, I love it. That's right."

A pony in the crowd lets out an excited yell. "So lets start the show!"

Music begins to play as a white pony with red hair walks on stage wearing a hat with a beacon of sorts on it. "Up first, we have Sugar Moonlight! looking absolutely stunning in our high-tech Anti-Mind-Reading Hat." Sugar continues to model the hat as Phyllis continues on. "All those physic unicorns out there are going to be out of luck when you wear this little number!"

Off in their area Hitch is bopping his head along to the music, while Sprout, drinking a smoothie, gives him a weird look.

"Now let's welcome Sparkle Chaser," a white pony with purple and blue hair walks out with the next object, "in his Pega-Periscope Goggles the easy way to keep your eyes on the sky." As he gets to the end of the platform, he falls right over it. Everyone let's out sympathetic 'ohs'.

Phyllis just let's out a nervous laugh as she says, "It's all part of the show!"

"Next up the Earth Pony Balloon Escape Pack." Out walks a purple pony with lavender hair. He pulls the cord to the bag he's wearing and out pops a bunch of balloons. He elegantly begins to be carried off before he realizes he's going towards an open window, and begins to panic.

"Yikes." Hitch says still bopping his head. "That's going to be a lot of paperwork." Sprout just looks at him still sipping the smoothie.

Back to Phyllis on stage she speaks. "We take great care here at Canterlogic to ensure the safety of you, our loyal customers." The crowd let out an "Aww!" "Now, please, " she continues, "stand back." Everyone takes one step back. "This product-testing demonstration is fully automated." She nods to a pink pony who hits a button, making the wall behind her glass.

Behind the glass is a yellow robotic earth pony model. Who quickly gets pushed out of the way by Sunny who is wearing a Unicron horn and pegasi wings. Everyone let out a gasp seeing her. Sprout even does a spit take.

Sunny gets out a sign as she begins to speak. "Earth ponies of Maretime Bay, fear is not your friend! But the unicorns and pegasi can be. Let's extend the hoof of friendship!" Not even a second later all her hooves but the one holding the sign are stuck in boots made to keep you in place. "That is not what I meant."

"Turn it off, turn it off." Phyllis mutters to the ponies in charge of the buttons for the machine. She let out a very nervous laugh as Sunny struggles to get free, saying, "So now you can prevent an aerial abduction with a set of our new Anti-Pegalift Boots!"

A robotic Pegasus drops from the ceiling, grabbing Sunny's wings as she keeps trying anyway. "Peace with pegasi! Unity with unicorns!" A second one comes down distracting her, while the first comes back to take the sign. "Whoa! Give me that back!" It drops onto her head.

Hitch lets out an aggravated sigh and says, "Sunny!" Sprout just sips another smoothie as he watches Hitch race to the front.

Sunny tries to speak again before she's lifted up and the platform beneath her flips over, showing a red X on it.

Phyllis, despite the panic, still tried to keep the show going. "Uh...everypony take a look at our Unicorn Entrapment Device." A helmet with a unicorn horn is plopped on Sunny's head.

She dropped onto the red X and a metal box forms around her, a red siren lighting up on top of the box.

The mint and pink pony tries to stop the machine as Hitch comes up in between them. "Toots, Sweets, shut her down! Sheriff's orders!" "We're trying!" Sweets says in a panic, hitting every button he can, Toots doing the same thing. "Fully automated means it had to go through the whole cycle."

A pair of robotic wings are placed on Sunny's back once the box comes down. She's turned towards a wall that opens up. What rolls out is a flinger of sorts. "Oh no." Sunny says. She's then lifted into the air, 'flying' around. Green goop begins to be flung at her, but she still speaks. "Peace with pegasi! Unity with unicorns! "

The audience just watches, not sure what to do or think.

Phyllis keeps going, sounding more panicky by the second. "And this is the Splat-a-pult!" Sunny continues to be spun around, the green glob still hitting her. She yells out, "Cease fire!" before a glob hits her cheek. The crowd winces.

Hitch looks at her concerned, before looking at the plug for the machine. Phyllis says he tries to pull the plug, "Let's hear it everypony! Come on! "

The plug is pulled. The machine stops and Sunny flies out of the room, sliding along the runway before coming to a stop at the end, right in front of two two fillies and their mom. The crowd lets out a gasp.

Sunny starts panting to quickly get some air before saying, "Aren't you tired of being scared all the time? The truth is, we're not in danger. It's all a lie. We don't need any of this Canterlogic junk."

Phyllis approaches as she says defensively, "Oh, we don't, do we?" Hitch watches her with a troubled expression as she continues. "How do you suggest we defend ourselves? With hugs and cupcakes?" The crowd lets out a laugh.

Sunny looks around before looking at the young fillies next to their mom. "Just imagine...if you had a friend who could fly," the two fillies look at each other excitedly as she continues, "or a friend who could-"

"Fry your brains with a single horn zap? " Phyllis interrupts. "Or swoop down and snatch you away?" The crowd gasps as the two fillies hide behind their mom. "Sheriff, do your job."

Hitch steps up as he says, "Alright Sunny, lets go." But she doesn't listen. "No. Everypony needs to hear this. Everything you believe about pegasi and unicorns is wrong. They used to be our friends and can be again." But the audience won't listen either.

"Hey, we don't need any of them round here!" "Get off the stage!" The crowd boos her off as Hitch approaches. "Come on, let's go. Shows over, Sunny." She and Hitch walks off as the crowd continues to boo. "Sunny you're just embarrassing yourself!"

Phyllis takes over and says, "It's quite sad, really. Now, where were we?" And let out a condescending giggle.

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