Chapter #4

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Boris: Haha so funny
He said sarcastically
Boris: Anyway you look hot tonight beautiful
His Russian accent really melted me.
Y/n: You don't look to bad yourself.
I gave him a smirk trying to keep my cool, but really I was screaming inside.

Boris pov
Ah, she looked so hot in this dress but I couldn't help myself thinking how she would look without it.
I hated myself for thinking this way I mean I just met the girl like yesterday but heck...

Y/n pov
We eventually got to Harper's and saw Theo and Her waiting there
Theo: Finally you're here we've been waiting forever
Y/n: Shut up cry baby it wasn't even that long
Boris: Yeah
Haprer: Okay yall stop barking at each other and let's go to this party!
Y/n: Yeah

We were walking there when Boris slid his hand into mine and I gladly took it while smiling, smiling hard. His hand was cold yet so calming and somehow overpowering. I liked how he strongly, protectively held my hand in his. It made my heart race.

Boris pov:
I took her hand into mine she accepted it and smiled, hard, to herself. I liked teesing her by holding her hand or throwing small compliments. I just love seeing her blush or atleast try not to. Haha...

Back to Y/N's pov.

Eventually we were there. As we were walking up to the porch I could hear the loud music and mostly smell the cigarette smoke. I loved the smell it reminded me that I was free... For now.

We went in and the first thing we did is get drinks. I got vodka with Cocca cola mix. More vodka tho I wanted to get drunk and have the best time of my life.
And that's what I did.
I was now on the third cup of vodka and dancing on the floor. The song '' Chicago" by Michael Jackson came on but sped up (pretend it came out in the time line of the goldfinch) and I was really feeling myself swinging my hips from left to right just being me when suddenly I felt a pair of hands on my waist I turned around and saw Him. Boris. He was drunk too and was holding me swinging from left to right with me. I was so shocked but Iet him hold me. I mean I was liking it so why not...
A little while of us dancing I had turned around facing him and now I was gazing at his eyes and he was at mine. Then it happened.
He leaned in and pressed his soft lips on mine and I did the same.

Out lips were moving in sync. I put my arms around his neck and he got a better grip on my waist. It soon became a make-out session. He picked me up and walked to a counter near by and seated me on it. Soon after we were interrupted by Theo And Harp pulling us apart and whisper-screaming
"Cops are here, we gotta go!"
In my drunk state I panicked and got up and started running towards the backyard with the others.

We got out the back door and went to hop the fance and run out. Theo and Boris got me n' Harper up and over the fance then they hoped it.
We then started sprinting to Theos house and somehow the cops didn't catch us. Phew. We were at mine and Theos house Boris was gonna sleep at Theos and Harper went home long time ago. I told the guys goodbye and snuck back in my house and in my room. I went in my bathroom and took a cold shower to sober up.

A/n: Endd of chaper guys hope you like the story so far and also sorry I haven't updated in a while <3

Sex, drugs, ect.  //Boris Pavlikovski x Reader//DISCONTINEDWhere stories live. Discover now