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*Canterlot City 2011*

In the Human world's Canterlot, off the coast of Canterlot City, we come to a two story modern household rich with auburn and warm colors on a cool night with the full moon at it's peak. 

*in the kitchen we come to a woman dressed in a dark blue business suit with her skin being light brilliant orange with pale apple green blotches on her hands and her hair being in a short bob that's colored three shades of moderate scarlet and her eyes are brilliant chartreuse green*

Woman- *finishes setting the table for three with dinner being spaghetti, greens, and meatloaf* *calls out* Sunburst! Sunset! Time for dinner!

*a young boy who looks around the age of 9-10 comes downstairs who has a skin color of brilliant gamboge with light apple green spots on his hands like his mother, and has moderate cyan eyes, the boy is wearing dark blue pants and a symbol of a sun with bursting rays on his light cyan colored shirt*

*a girl who looks the age of 13 comes downstairs who has a light amber skin tone, moderate cyan colored eyes, long waist length wavy hair that's brilliant amaranth with light apple green stripes, and is wearing a dark maroon colored collar puff sleeve blouse with a white colored shirt underneath and medium pink skirt with symbols of red-yellow shimmering suns around it and a black layered see through skirt underneath and matching maroon colored pumps*

Woman- *notices Sunset's outfit* *whistles* Someone looks prim and proper for her new school.

Sunset- *sits down* Thanks, mom. I wanna look my best for my first year at Canterlot High. The School Orientation is this week and then the Freshman Fair is next week!

Stellar Flare- *admits* I still don't understand, why you didn't want to go to a prestigious school like Crystal Prep. I was an alumni at the school, why not follow in your mother's footsteps?

Sunset- *shudders* I didn't really like the school, the principal looked strict and scary, and everything looks so bland and uniform. *excited* I want to express myself and creativity like cousin Fire Flare and look where she is now, one of the lead trapeze performers in the Canterlot Flaming Trapeze Quartet. I want to find my passion like that and I don't think I'll be able to do that at Crystal Prep.

Sunburst- *happily* And in 3 years I can join you!

Sunset- *laughs calmly* You sure can, Sunburst.

*unknown to them a door opens and closes from the front of the house*

Stellar- *to Sunset* Now remember, I'm fine whatever school of your choosing Sunset as long as you apply yourself and do the best that you can.

Sunset- *smirks* Please, Mom I got this. I was at the top of my class at Canterlot Middle School, I got this.

Sunburst- *looks at Stellar Flare* Are we waiting on Dad, or-

*on cue a man walks in who's light yellow and his hair is brilliant orange with light orange stripes and has moderate persian blue eyes*

Stellar- *to the man* Welcome home, Sunspot. *pecks him on the lips lightly*

Sunspot- *smiles* Hi,honey. *to Sunburst and Sunset* Hey kiddo's!

Sunset- *smiles* Hi, Dad.

Sunburst- Hey, Dad!

*Sunspot sits down at the head of the table*

Sunspot- *smells the food* *to Stellar* Smells, delicious Flare. *sits down*

Stellar- *smiles* The sooner we finish grace, the sooner we can dig in.

*the family says grace and begins passing around the food while calmly laughing and talking*

*meanwhile far across from the city is a large school structure, in the center of the opening quad is a white statue of horse statue on it's hind legs and at the base of the statue is a clear stone surface*

*in front of the base of the statue is a teenage girl who looks to be a freshman in high school*

*the girl looks identical to Sunset Shimmer's except slightly taller and she's wearing a black leather jacket with a maroon colored shirt with a shimmering sun on it and her skirt is mostly orange with a light yellow stripe and a fuchsia stripe and her boots are knee high dark gray boots with fushia flaming patterns on them* 

Girl- *bitterly* I've been in this world for three days and it has nothing to offer. I thought this world from the mirror would lead me to being an alicorn to be better than Celestia, but I have no magic, this world has no Equestria and this has been nothing but a waste of time! *annoyed* I'll just go hide in Equestria somewhere and lay low for a while. *she puts her hand on the portal but nothing happens* *she tries a few more times and starts to worry* No. No. NO! Why won't the portal-! *realizes worriedly* The portal opens every thirty moons...from Equestria. *angrily* Which means I'm stuck here! *sighs* I'd better make the most of it. *angrily walks off*

*back at the Solar residence*

*the family has dispersed with the kids in their rooms and the parents in their room*

*in Sunset's room she has different paintings of flowers*

Sunset- *she starts to put on her pajamas for bed when she suddenly collapses on the floor with her eyes glowing white*

*the lights throughout the house start to flicker on and off with the wind picking up*

*Sunspot and Stellar notice the light's flicker in their room*

Stellar- *concerned* What's going on?

Sunspot- *concerned* I don't know, but the winds have picked up outside. *calls out* Sunburst! Sunset!

*back in Sunset's room*

*Sunset's entranced body rises in yellow glowing magic and produces a yellow glowing sparkly aura around her*

*her body turns into pure magical light and creates a magical burst throughout the house which spreads across the city*

*the magical burst spreads out across Canterlot City but the school with the horse statue is magically shielded*

*back inside the house*

*the lights stop flickering and the wind dies down*

Stellar- *shocked* It stopped.

Sunspot- *calls out* Sunburst?

*Sunburst comes down and looks in the room*

Sunburst- *concerned* Yeah, Dad?

Stellar- *hugs him* Are you ok?

Sunburst- *hugs her back* I'm fine, mom.

Stellar- *relieved* Good. *smiles* Now since it's the weekend, why don't we curl up for Family Movie Night!

Sunburst- *excited* I'm in!

Sunspot- *smiles* I don't object to that. I'll make us some popcorn.

Stellar- *smiles* I'll get the blankets and pillows!

Sunburst- *excited* I get to pick the movie this time!

*the three happily walk in the living room bypassing the family pictures of Sunspot, Stellar, and Sunburst*

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2022 ⏰

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