soft moments - nr

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- found this in my notes app from july soo it's gonna be all over the place
- really soft nat and
- you have a kid in this btw lol



"what are you doing?" tony asked with furrowed brows as he joined nat in the doorway of the kitchen

the redhead gave the brunet man no reply, she only continued watching your every move as you fed your daughter her lunch

"..why don't you go and help her" he egged, dragging the words out slowly just to tease her a little. he wasn't dumb he knew nat wanted to talk to you yet he also knew nat was going to need a push before she even approached his daughter

"because it's that simple" she deadpanned sarcastically and went to turn around only to be met with wanda who turned her right back around with a shove so the widow stumbled into the kitchen

just as she regained her balance you became aware of her presence

"hiya, my love" you greeted, gaze still solely focussed on the little gremlin who wouldn't eat her food so the slight blush that made it's way to the other woman's cheeks was missed

"i promise i'm not ignoring you, it's just.. if i look away this monster will throw the food at me again" the laugh you accompanied the joke made butterflies swarm in nat's stomach. she was truly head over heels for you

you were currently trying to teach your daughter, peggy, how to use a spoon by herself. name courtesy of your father's godmother


"have you seen my face! it doesn't help my hairs a mess" you exclaimed as nat got closer to have a look

it was true there were little bits of baby food around your face. without thought she grabbed some kitchen roll and wiped the food off. the action felt so comfortable and casual, almost like it was a regular domestic occurrence

"okay, urmm.. give me a second, sit down" she pulled out a stool so you could sit whilst still watch your daughter carefully

not even a minute later she returned to the kitchen with a brush and a hair tie. sure the kitchen wasn't the best place to sort your hair out but it was killing two birds with one stone

pulling out a stool behind you she began to brush through the tangled mess that was still your bed head

"oww, tasha! what are you doing?!"

"shh. stop fussing. i'm just braiding your hair" with a grumble of 'oh' you let her get on with weaving your y/h/c hair


"mama wants to sleep, pegs" of course the baby didn't care for the fact it was nearing three in the morning she really wasn't happy and would not lay in her crib

a gentle knock on the door just made it worse "come in" you groaned

a sigh of relief followed seeing the person walk in "right i've done some googling to help pegs sleep.. by herself" she announced as a phone was shoved into her pocket

"would it be alright if i borrowed a hoodie.. it smells like you" she asked but then felt heat on her cheeks once she figured out how it sounded aloud

"for you or peggy?" you teased. there were a few seconds of silence as nat seemed to actually think it over

"i don't know anymore"

without noticing your daughter had already quietened down as you rocked her

"get two out then" wasting no time she took two out and layed one on top of the baby, acting as blanket, as you layed her in the crib

nat was quick to slide the other one on, tugging on the collar to bring to her nose "you smell nice" it was a whisper that left her mouth, you almost didn't hear

"c'mere" you beckoned the widow over with open arms. she gratefully walked into your embrace

"i really like you, y/n" nat whispered into your shoulder

"i know" she pull away slightly, only slightly because she couldn't bare to lose the comfort your arms around her gave

"what- how?"

"hmm, i don't know" you teased. she made it clear with the little moments were she'd stare at you when she thought no-one was looking, if it were anyone else you'd probably find it creepy but the look in her eyes made it enjoyable and, of course, the red cheeks you and only you manage to give the ex-assassin was a dead give away

"it's obvious isn't it?"

she looked up at you and as soon as she saw your tight lipped, trying not to giggle, smile she knew and groaned

"...the feeling's mutual"

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