Scarlet Rivers

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The rivers of blood 

Look so beautiful on pale skin

Some creeks

Some longer than the Nile

All marks of self-destruction

But does it really matter?

My body is mine, after all

I wish I could just escape my mind

Leave all the bullshit to those around me

And I know it’s selfish, but dammit, why can’t I be happy?

Or maybe it’s not selfish, but a simple human desire

I would never know

Everything human I do is pushed away

I’m not allowed

I must be perfect

Just as perfect as those streaks of scarlet

It doesn’t matter who I am 

I have to hold the world 

I have to dumb myself down

I, I, I, I!

When did I become so selfish?

Rather cause pain than happiness? 

Be a sour person?

Oh my god, why can’t I wake up?!?!

I peel the skin off my arms

Just to take control

Give me the worst of highs

Letting my blood slowly spill

I give a smile

Yet my soul is dying

An endless cycle of pain and suffering

I laugh it off, but the feeling stays

A dull ache that worsens everyday

Leaving only hate

I think I might go crazy

Or I already am

Fuck it

This isn’t a fairy tale

I’m no hero

My pain and suffering won’t leave me be

I don’t need punishment from anyone else

I can do it all by myself

Gods, the scarlet is so beautiful

Staining even the most pure things

Blood of a drug addict

Blood of a bastard child

Blood of a liar and the blood of an abuser

All mix and flow through my veins

The madness of purity wins

A horrifying sight

My tongue out to lick off the blood

My eyes ablaze

But you seem to stay

Quite the curious sight

Eyes hazy with endorphins

You seem scared

A laughable state

My eyes are filled with danger

I’d rather see blood on my hands

He and her must pay dearly for the madness they have caused

O’ver an’ o’ver

A text filled with errors

A script stuttering and jutting with pusles

I must assure you

This wasn’t my fault

It was simply by design 

A drawing board written in blood 

A play filled with pain and sorrow

An Ancient Greecian tragedy

A sly smile looking deranged on a blood stained face

More magnificent than even the most carefully crafted of stories

Am I but a blot on the page?

Another person forgotten by the world

Fading into the background

But even the most suppressed voices find a way to break through

Truly a comedy in every sense of the word

But what am I kidding?

My comedy has no rise

It’s flat

As empty as the truth is

Just as empty as religion

Their scarlet life just a weak attempt at salvation

Their crooked secrets

They love the scarlet almost as much as I do

Causing wars and massacres in the name of god

But they are worse, don’t you dare think I’m that low

At least I’m honest

Not blaming bloodshed on a god

No, I am honest

History is covered by a veil

Her eyes never quite uncovered

But it is something that I have come to expect

A fucking oxymoron depented on a madmans ravings

But I doubt you even fucking care

Why would you?

You need a fucking scapegoat

A fictional place to go when you do good

And a reason for your bloodshed

Don’t make me laugh

I’ve never seen such a pitiful excuse

They cause as many rivers as I do

Albeit not to oneself

But how the fuck are they allowed to control the world?

No, their pitiful excuses do not amuse me anymore

Am I more than weary, more than tired

I am not quite sure what this is

But I know making more of those scarlet rivers slowly eases everything

Not having to decipher feelings

But only having to understand the pain

Something I can understand, something that I can fathom

Knowing the exact reason for my pain

A sense of control, perhaps

Or maybe I truly I do have a few screws loose

Ah, what a beautiful use of the Devil’s Dictionary

A satiristic and cruel look upon the world

One I’m only too happy to use

I laugh at the sight of people pleading

Where were you when I was drowning?

This verse makes no sense

But that is the point

Nothing makes sense

Nothing is black and white

And nothing is wrong or right

(Heeeeyyyyyyy, New book with poetry!!!!!!!!!!!!! This'll be submitted for shit, sooooooo yeah - Sansapuns)

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