3. Dealing Doesn't Make Sense

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The troop was back on the suburban highways. Their destination: Yon Roncho's Auto X, downtown California.

Vandermann still didn't understand why they raided the mansion for no fruitful purpose at all. Peurcto Rickon, one of the NATO soldiers explained their cause.

"You see, Mr.Black had lent an epic sum of money to several dealers in the United States. Of the $25 billion, Rickardo had borrowed $10,000; Yon had taken $85,000; Mick Lardo had scruffed up $5,000; and lastly, Philias Cacroe, a hunted gangsta/gambler had looted $24,999,000,000 by hacking into Cooper's bank accounts. Now, Cooper Black shall pay. He'll pay his debtors with their deaths."

Vandermann sunk back in thought.

"But Cooper hadn't killed Viz," he found the catch in the previous mission. "All we did was taking down a few of Rick's goons. They were armies of Viz, but not Viz himself!"

"Yeah, we know. It was a failed attempt, since we didn't have the ammo to fight back the demon, Rickardo Viz, who's always handy with his supply of M4 carbines. Plus, he's totally unpredictable.

"Yet, a few thousand dollars won't hurt a bit. The car dealer in California holds much more cash than the estate owner. Okay, Vugerton, let's wait till we reach our...um...destination."


When they reached the inner states, the main road was blocked by three concrete barricades, set up by the local police. Ford Interceptors formed quite a picture here. There was some kind of bank robbery taking place, but the thugs were still inside the bank, collecting their swag. The police took positions outside the building, flanking the entrance.

The five parked their 4x4 in a nearby alley and proceeded to the bank, toting their SMGs.

Cooper knew that it'd cost them a delay, but yet, saving souls was tenfold better than killing one. Anyways, they didn't have any choice.

The only way they were passing through the barricades, was by stopping the robbery.

A huge block of hollow concrete, riddled with glass windows, air conditioner outlets, and ventilation shafts - not to mention the two glass doors at the entrance - was the CFB (Civil Finance Bank), currently undergoing serious criminal treatment.

Of the five that arrived, only Cooper Black, Vandermann, and Exos Luke pushed their way among the dozen policemen, ignoring the strange glances and expressions they received.

Even from this distance, they heard the continuous tingling of an alarm bell ringing in the ground floor.

Cooper placed a hand on the door handle.

"Sir, watch out," a policeman warned. "What the hell are you doing? This is no place for a civilian."

Cooper frowned at the officer; his eyes burned beneath the black shades.

"Who, me? I'm simply livin' my dream."

"Well dream whatever you wish, mister. Jus'...just don't try to act smart and stupid."

That ought to shut him up. Cooper pulled on the handle to bring to light a world of bright lights, fresh A/C, crisp dollar bills, and fear. The spectacular interior design of the bank took their breath away. Shaded lights and lamps shone evenly across the stretch of the room.

The trio thought they'd bring the robbery off in the end, but all their hopes turned to water when a guard took them in and then held a gun behind their backs.

Cooper saw the point at once, and thought if he could bring him round to releasing them, with a bribe.

"Now lookie here, man," he showed him a $100 bill. "I'll pay you if you release my fellas. Do as I say, pal. Take the money. Take it."

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