oh shut up.

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It's my first day at a new school I'm really scared in my old school no-one liked me and I got bullied quite alot. But I have a feeling its going to be different this time.

As I walked in the school gates I saw a group of people so i say goodbye to my sister and walk over to them

?-hey u must be new my name is vance and these are my um 'people'

F-oh nice

V-this is bruce bruce yamada

Vance was pointing to a tall boy with black hair when vance looked at him vances cheeks turned a shade of pink I think somebody has a crush

B-hi yeah I'm bruce.


V-this is griffin

Vance was now pointing at a short boy who seemed to be 1 yr younger than me.

V-sorry griffin is abit shy and probably won't speak to u that often

F-thats alright

I gave griffin a smile and he smillled back

V-and this is billy

He was now pointing at a boy who had light blonde hair

V-last but definitely not least this is robin

Vance was now pointing at a boy with medium length hair that reached his shoulders he had s grey bandana on and a black vest. He looked at me and rolled his eyes

R-cmon guys we gotta go.

V-dont worry abt him he's just abit iffy with new people

I was happy atleast I had some friends and people to go to if there was trouble.

Time skip 2 lunch

I went to sit with vance and the gang but robin gave me a glare and I walked to another table. When vance saw me he walked over with the gang and sat down at the table I was at

V-why didn't u sit with us?

F-i-I didn't see you guys

V-oh ok! Also Finney robin is realy struggling with math and if he fails he has to retake so I was wondering if u wanted to tutor him


F-sure I'd love to where does he live

V- oh he lives at ****** just walk with him after school


I was upset robing clearly hated me and now I had to tutor him


Shit. I had to be tutored by finney blake and his cute what no. His stupid curls

V-have fun with finn
Said vance wiggling his eyes

R-oh shut up.

Sorry for a short chapter currently making the next chapter so it might take a while I'm having writers block at the moment.
Also have a very merry Christmas :)


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