pretty boy

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I hated thinking about being tutored by finn although he was kinda cute I mean no he's annoying and awful.


R-hey who- oh hi finn

F-its finney to you.

R-alright calm down. Come in


When I saw robin he had a purple bandana and brown vest top on. He looked so good. But he was so annoying.

R-sit down pretty boy

I obviously said that to mess with him I mean I didn't like him. Like I'm not gay. Right?


R-joking. Sit down

After an hour

R-this make mo fucking sense

F-calm down

R-shut up u understand everything

F- Well maybe you would if u listened


F-woah calm down I was just saying.

R-im getting a snack

Tutoring robin was harder than doing regular lessons but I needed a snack to my stomach was empty

As soon as I turn around from grabbing chips robin is there in my face. We made eye contact and I felt me face heat up

F- i- um move

R-whats the problem u flustered pretty boy?

As soon as he said that I felt my face go red and I saw him laughing

R- its ok pretty boy go sit down I'm getting a drink

F- for the last time it's finn

R-ok cupcake

I couldn't help but blush cupcake. I knew he saw me blushing bc he gave me a grin a satisfied grin.

Being tutored by finney wasn't that bad he was fun to hang out with not to mention his perfect face that was nice to look at. I mean like a friend way. I'm not gay.

F-oh no its 6 already I need to go home

R-wait do u have your phone on you?

F-mhm why?

R-if you ask your parents you can stay here for the night

F-oh um ok? yh ill ask my dad


F-my dad said yes.


I don't know why I said good he's going to think I'm some sorta wierdo now he probably already wants to leave he probably thinks that I'm suck a freak he probably thinks-

F-hellooo robin???

R-oh um yh what?

F-should we go to your room then?

R-yh sure this way.

_______ ________

Sorry for another short chapter I'm having realy bad writers block but I think I have an idea for the next chapter but it might take a while

429 words

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