A Spider who hates the Dark

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type: male tarantula reader x Webs/Miss Tarantula (one-shot

requested by: Eidnfoenx

The darkness.

Boy, does he dislike the darkness!

Most spiders love it when it's dark! (Y/n) Tarantula does not. 

He is a Brazilian Giant Salmon Tarantula; his family had moved to America when his grandpa was his age. 

Living in America was nice. It would be alot nicer though if the spiders here could actually talk to him. 

Most of the spiders in America aren't anthropomorphic, but his family is entirely anthropomorphic-which, in short, means 'human like'. That makes most spiders afraid to get near him. 

Heck. Humans are afraid to get near him. At least, the ones who don't already keep his species as pets

It makes his social life difficult. He can't seem to make a single friend for the life of him. Anybody who isn't family tries to either capture, squash, or run away from him whenever they spot him. 

(Y/n) is defiantly a more social spider, which only makes his current situation even more scary. 

A small 3...something earthquake shook the L.A. ground not too long ago, and it opened up a small hole up from underneath (Y/n). And he fell right through it. 

He had fallen into a cave, a very large cave; and the sky was cloudy. So, the little light that came down the hole was barely enough to even see by

There was nobody there except for him. Nobody knew he was even down here. 

He had moved into what little light there was, and he curled himself up into a hairy little ball. He wraps his arms around his eyes and head as if to shield himself from the darkness and the loneliness. 

He shudders as he is forced to face the darkness.




A voice snaps him out of his frightened state. 

His eyes dart around urgently at the voice, a small flicker of hope that there was someone out there looking for him. Someone out there trying to help him. 

He's scared for his life. He can't see a soul. Scratch that, he can't see anything!

"Hello?" his voice barely loud enough to echo at all. He hopes and waits silently, hoping that his voice was loud enough for the source of the other voice to have heard his call for help. 

"Up here!" the voice calls again. 

(Y/n) looks up, the light flashing dimly for a second, causing him to jerk back a little bit at the lack of light. But the light soon returned, and on the cave floor was a large shadow. The shadow got smaller and smaller as the owner attached to the shadow got closer and closer to him. 

(Y/n) slightly stepped out of the light to allow the animal to land safely on the cave floor, not caring for a moment that he was stepping back into the darkness.

A soft thump sounded across the cave floor as the person in question hit the ground, 

(Y/n) assumed that whoever had joined him down here must have been a small anthropomorphic animal. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to talk, and fit through the small hole in the ground. 

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