The first meeting

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A tall, older man was hovering  over Ryomen. Eyebrows knitted togther and the corners of his mouth slighly pointed downwards.
The man wore a navy blue Yakuta that was adorn with silver patterned flowers, he almost feels like a Nobel to him.

Ryomen cranked his head upwards, looking at the stranger with tear struck eyes, however no sounds would leave his throat.
The older man hummed, opening his mouth to speak once more.
„A young boy such as yourself shouldn't be out here alone, it's quite dangerous you know? With all the strong curses haunting these parts of Japan... where are your parents?"

Ryomen would stare at him, his words not fully sinking in. The older man sighs and
tilts his head, observing him carefully.
It takes a few cog turns for everything to click in Ryomens mind. Once it does tears form in his eyes once more, dropping, running, silently down his checks. He looks up at the older man and opens his mouth,
„They aren't here...."

The older man hums in respond, kneeling down to be on the boys level,
„I don't think I have properly introduced myself, no? I'm Kenjaku. What's your name?"
He tilts his head slightly, keeping his eyes on Ryomen. He knows his name, however he doesn't want to make him feel suspicious when this total stranger just knows his name.

Ryomen takes a Deep breath and wincing at the pain coming from his beat up lungs.
„I'm Ryomen... S-Sukuna..."
Kenjaku cracks a smile at That, one too sinister for the boy to understand. Good. Everything is going according to plan.

„I see you are quite hurt.. Ryomen. Say, how about I help you with your injuries, mhm? And in turn you just simply do me a favour that i will come to in a couple of years!"
He says with a gesture of his arms, a smile that makes him close his eyes, and some bad underlying intentions. Intentions that the boy cannot pick up yet.

„I will heal you, and make the pain go away, every single bit of it. It's either that little one, or... how do I say it... you'll probably succumb to your injuries.."
He points at Ryomens bruised neck, bloodied short and ripped, bloodied pants.

„All you have to do.."
Ryomen looks at him with hope in his eyes.
„ to trust me.. and I can help you.."
He holds out his bigger hand for Ryomen to take, a soft and gentle looking one, one that doesn't look like violence, Ry notes.

He takes another deep breath.
„What.. what is t-that favour y-you... mentioned..?"
He hovered his own hand above Kenjakus, patiently waiting for him to give his answer.
The older man leans slightly forward, closing one eye shut and tilting his head slightly.
„That's something you'll get to know later."

Ryomen figured this would be a problem for future him to handle, he isn't ready to give up on life yet, atleast not as long as his sister is around.. his heart aches at the thought of how she might react when she finds out that he's dead...
With a simple nod he takes Kenjakus hand, displaying a smile that was way too big for any normal person with kind intentions and pulling the young boy close.
„Good Boy. I hope you know that *you*, are the honoured and special one."

With a dark chuckle, and mind numbing pain that started to roll over him he blacked out.
And with that...

The deal was sealed.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2022 ⏰

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